So Seles-chaaaaaan says the mean lady is dead.
... so ... does that still make me this spy person? I mean, I did it so I wouldn't get dissected but now if I don't I think lots of people will get hurt and dead-ed and that's really good but...
I feel really icky inside. I have this funny hurty feeling in my chest but it's not owie hurt but... it does?
I don't want to betray Seles. I'm glad I made her feel better and all but the break-ish sorta thing just makes me feel sad. ;_; Because Seles is my best friend and one of the only two I've got so she's really important to me and BUU I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! D:
Owie, all this thinking makes my head hurt!! I wish I could just have my Happily Ever After or something. This is really getting kinda silly.
What am I supposed to do here??
... *sigh*