I went on another search for LJ's to read and found a few - added them. Once again, I added you because I want to read you - not because I expect you to read this drivel. :)
Added a community as well - to read.
m0nk3yp00 you have not only made me a MySpace whore - but I am starting to whore it up in LJ. What are you doing to me?!?!?!?!! heh, kidding, it's a choice I made, it's really not your fault - or is it?
I drink so much water I pee 3 times in the night. I am ingesting so much Omega 3 I burp up fish oil. I need new music for my workout playlist - recommendations are always nice. I have requirements: (NO NOT SUNNY DAY REAL ESTATE - k thx lol)
1. Has to have an up beat.
2. I have to be able to sing to it (meaning I can understand the lyrics - or make something up in it's place) - that's how I determine my heartrate. (Don't ask...)
3. I don't have to like the music style - obviously - I just have to be able to not want to kill things while listening to it.