Attack of the big giant egg face.

Jan 20, 2010 16:52

So ever is the struggle between two kinds of laziness in my life. That pre-emptive sort of laziness in which I plan for later:

"I'm going to eat a whole bunch of food now so that later I won't get hungry and have to get up and do things."

And the more immediate sort of laziness:

"I want to eat this meal for dinner but that would take too long and require too much effort so I'm just going to fall down face-first in this box of crackers."

And thus it came to pass that for some four or five months straight I didn't shave or get a haircut at all and just let that shit grow and grow and envelop my face in a sort of white-trash jungle. Eventually though that business got a little too unruly for me and started getting in the way of basic hygiene and also meant any time I took a shower I'd have to wait for the formerly nasty, greasy mop of strands upon my dome to dry before I could go to sleep or draw lest I drip all over my pillow/page.

This is not really ideal as falling asleep or drawing right after a shower is my favorite course of action.

So today I decided to just get rid of it all. The beard, and the hair, by getting it buzzed down good and short. This has had the effect of making me look like a giant fat baby, and also I didn't realize just how much the hair and beard helped to mask what an enormous pork-beast I had become. So here we are. I've saved myself some laziness in low shower maintenance but I may actually end up being less lazy as a result as seeing myself in the mirror really makes me want to get some exercise.
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