[mod post] Announcing the Challenge Yourself Challenge

Apr 07, 2015 10:05

It's time for the Challenge Yourself Challenge!

What is the challenge yourself challenge?

Exactly what it says on the tin! At this point in the big bang everyone is in a slightly different place. Some of us are struggling to finish a first draft. A few are probably starting an entirely new story and panicking about finishing in time. Some of us finished that first draft ages ago and need motivation to keep editing. A few are probably at the point of trying to perfect the fic. Still others probably were doing fine until RL/your muse/other plot bunnies threw a wrench in it, and now you're finding yourself unexpectedly stuck.

The point is, right now everyone needs something a little different and this challenge is here to help you on your way by making you define your goal.


Without further ado here are the rules and procedures.

1. This challenge will run from April 7, 2015, through Monday, April 20, 2015.

2. The challenge closes when the closing post goes up, so keep working until you see it!

3. Pick a goal for yourself. It could be "I will finish my first draft" or "I will write 10,000 words" or "I will write 1,000 words every day" or "I will finish my first editing pass" or "I will get 5 chapters ready to post" or something else entirely. You pick the goal based on what *you* need to succeed in this bigbang!

4. Post a comment to this post announcing your goal and challenging yourself to meet it!

5. Over the next two weeks, work on your goal. Hold yourself accountable. We'll post a reminder/cheerleading post about halfway through, to give you a place to check in and encourage each other.

6. At the end of April 20th, the closing post will go up.

7. Post a comment to the closing post to let us know how you did! Remember, the only way to win is to meet your own challenge!

Questions? You can also ask them in the comments!

challenge, 2015, victory is mine!, mod post

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