[mod post] Weekly Check-in Week #5

Feb 17, 2015 10:01

Greetings omgspnbigbangers!

If you're a writer, hope your writing is going well! If you're an artist, we hope you're getting very excited for the bigbang! Betas, alpha readers, and cheerleaders, we hope you're off to a great start pairing up with writers and cheering them on!

Many thanks and congratulations to all of you who participated in the Valentine's Daily Writing Challenge! Preliminary results have gone up, and awards will be passed out this weekend. So if you have not already checked out the preliminary results and confirmed that your information is listed correctly, please take a moment or two to go do so over here.

We currently have a poll open asking for your feedback on what our next challenge should be. If you have not already filled it out, please go here and check it out.

Right now, we are planning on announcing the next challenge sometime in the next two days with it to start sometime over the weekend, so keep an eye out for the announcement and signup.

Finally, if you are an artist and want to get more involved in the bigbang now, are any of you interested in making banners or other fun graphics as awards? Right now we've got about a 1-week lag on challenge awards due to the limitations of you mod's schedule. If there is an artist or two out there interested in helping out, feel free to let me know in the comments (or PM me).

Now, enough business! This is your weekly check-in post--your space to squee, kvetch, commiserate, and celebrate victories. Let us know how it's going!

2015, status, mod post

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