[mod post] Writers Seeking Betas (2015)

Feb 08, 2015 12:41

You asked for it, and here it is! A writers looking for betas sign-up post!

Here's how it works:

If you are a writer in search of a beta (or an alpha reader or a cheerleader) please check out the form and rules under the cut...

1. Fill out this form:

Username (or name):
I need/will need a beta (now, after May 1, some other date):
I need a beta for (e.g., spelling and grammar, character development, plot, story structure, everything, etc.)
I'm looking for a cheerleader or alpha reader too (Y/N):
More about what I want a cheerleader or alpha reader to do: (e.g., motivate me to write, cheer me on, work on plot or story structure with me, serve as a sounding board, help me troubleshoot problem areas of my fic, etc.)
My story is (e.g., J2AU, SPN future!fic, i don't know yet, etc.):
[Please DO NOT provide a story summary.]
The best way to contact me is (e.g., reply to this comment, send me a PM):

2. If you're a beta, alpha reader, or cheerleader, and you see a writer you think you can help, contact the writer through their prefered method of contact.

3. Writers, if you find a beta, please come back and either a) reply to your comment with a comment saying "Beta Found" or b) edit your comment to cross out the text with strikethrough formatting < s> , < /s> (but without the spaces). If you find part of your needs satisfied, e.g., you find an beta for later on, but not someone to work as an alpha reader now, go ahead and cross out the part of your comment that no longer applies.

It's that easy. A few simple rules to remember:

- Do not post story specifics, titles, or segments of text from your story. We know you need to give some basic details to figure out if you and your beta or alpha reader, but if you need to get into specifics, please take it offline (e.g., PM, email, chat, etc.).

- No trashing anyone or their story, period. (Or full stop, if you prefer.)

- Do be supportive.

- Please use this post to find betas, alphas, et al., for your spn-j2-bigbang story (or what will possibly be your big bang story) only.

- Have fun!!

Have questions about what a beta or alpha reader does? Check out the post here!

Get it? Got it? Good!

betas, 2015, practical assistance, mod post, cheerlead me baby!