[mod post] The Great BigBang Editing Challenge

Jun 04, 2013 09:23

Now that posting season is about to take off, we have have a scene and chapter EDITING challenge.

Still have editing to do on your fic? Has your beta suggested adding a scene? Did you just decide you really want to add an epilogue? Have that one chapter you just really need to rework, but you've been putting it off?.

Have we got the challenge for you!

What is the challenge? Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to edit as many chapters (or scenes) as you can before the end of the challenge. For this challenge adding or reworking a necessary scene counts as editing! Note: If your story is broken down into scenes, count scenes; if your story is broken down into chapters, count chapters!

Timeline: The challenge will run from now until July 1 or your posting date (if sooner).

Awards: Everyone who edits at least one chapter or scene will get a banner(with recognition for the total number of scenes/chapters edited). Anyone who completes an edit of their whole story will get a banner.

How do I enter? Sign up in the comments. We will post a check in on July 1, and you can report your editing progress then.

You can count both chapters or scenes you self-edit as well as any you edit with a beta (provided you actually go through the beta's recommended changes and incorporate them. No counting edits for stuff that was ONLY worked on by your beta.

Questions? Comment or PM me (paleogymnast)

editing challenge, challenge, 2013, mod post

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