This waiting is killing me!!!!

May 04, 2013 19:03

Am I the only BB writer sitting with my laptop/desktop/tablet or phone both eagerly and nervously awaiting the spn_j2_bigbang artist claim posts going live??? Am refreshing my friends page every few minutes just in case the posts open a little bit early.

BTW, I have read through all the summaries and boy, there are so many fantastic sounding fics listed that I know I'm going to be very busy all through the upcoming Hellatus reading them all. Have already started a list of the ones I want to read as soon as they are posted.

So congrats to each and every BB author. It's an absolute pleasure to be in the company and community of so many truly creative and imaginative folks. You guys and all the wonderful artists who we couldn't post without ROCK!!!!!!!


community, 2013

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