Greetings fabulous
omgspnbigbang members! I hope you have all had a wonderful and successful week. Thank you all for participating in the micro-WriFo! Despite my late posts, we had an awesome two weeks of daily writing and an even more inspiring display of cheerleading and camaraderie. Way to go!
So, many, many of you have said you want a new challenge right away! Please fill out the following poll to let me know what challenge you want me to run.
Poll Challenge Poll We will start the next challenge on Thursday at the latest.
For those of you who have finished your first draft, please let us know what this comm can do to help you most.
And finally, here's your place to share, celebrate, kvetch, and support each other, so share away!
P.S. I am working on awards from the last two challenges. If you would like to help with making awards (perhaps someone who has already finished your first draft) let me know. You may be able to help me get aelwards out faster!