In dire need of encouragement...

Jan 22, 2011 23:15

My original Big Bang story idea was good, but it wasn't coming together. When I went out hiking just over a week ago, I had a new idea for an Old West story. It made sense - I live in Arizona, and the trails are rugged and beautiful, the perfect setting for a Supernatural story. And there's just something damn sexy about picturing Sam and Dean dressed appropriate for the 1840s. (Yes, 1840s - 1844-1846, to be exact.)

And now... I find this!

Taken from a spoilers Q&A on

Question: It seems like it’s been forever since there was some big Supernatural scoop? - Jeff

Ausiello: Oh, really? Well, have you heard that Cass is getting a sidekick? Because he is. Rachel - as yet uncast - will be a pretty twentysomething angel with a finely tuned BS detector. Also, when Sam and Dean visit the Old West later this season, they’ll meet, ironically, an Easterner: Samuel Colt, a middle-aged hunter who’s tarnished his own legend by becoming more interested in pouring his next drink than firing his next shot. You reckon he’ll be able to help them dispatch Elias Finch, the innocent specter out for vengeance after being hung?
From the very beginning, my story has involved Samuel Colt and his famous gun. Ugh! I want to stick with my story, because I did come up with the idea before hearing about this

omghelpz!, kripked again, cheerlead me baby!

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