Cheerleaders, handholders, and 'please-just-breathe'rs!

Jan 22, 2011 06:19

 So, like a lot of other people, this is my first Big Bang, and I am TERRIFIED. I haven't written anything this extensive in ages, and this is my first foray into the Supernatural universe. I've never fic-written for these characters before. So, I'm looking for some people or a person, whatever works, to keep pushing me along, making sure I'm writing and helping me out with ideas and plot snags. It would really be awesome to have someone to pester online who has a pretty solid knowledge of character, maybe who would be able to help me settle things out if I'm not sure how a character would respond.

Uhm, a little information about the fic
  • Supernatural, gen with a touch of het and maybe some slash, unsure yet
  • Cowboy AU
  • Focus on Sam and Dean, of course
 So, if you're interested, please just let me know, post a comment here. I use both MSN and AIM, and I'll give you my information for those if you're interested in being my cheerleader and helper.

Thank you! <3

omghelpz!, epic panicking flail!, introductions, practical assistance, cheerlead me baby!

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