Nov 08, 2010 11:25
I have been feeling very motivated lately! I'm really excited about the possibilities for Declared Legacy, we are gettin crackin on that! Once Jen is done with this quarter she'll have more time to devote to it. Really one of our big things right now is to find a graphic artist of some sort who can help out with designing shirts. We aren't that artsy haha but we want to get going on some really cool shirts! It's hard since we are just starting out and won't be able to pay much (probably would compensate with free merch at first), but hopefully we can find someone who is willing to put in the time now and have it all pay off when we are rich bitches in the future :) We really want to get one person who does steady work on it, but we know that'll be hard.. so I've been hoping on finding a couple people who can give us some designs periodically. That'll definitely keep us busy, hopefully pretty much forever haha!
On another note, Brandon is being quite the douche. There's something new!!!
But Emory is freaking awesome.. so it all works out :)
declared legacy