Jun 08, 2017 12:36
I finished my first teaching prac at a high school. What a challenging but wonderful experience. I definitely learnt a lot about teaching and myself throughout the process. The challenges of connecting with the students, finding my voice and making the lessons engaging were very real. I questioned whether I was fit for this job. I never really had a loud voice or much presence when I enter a room. Students could easily tell. My mentor helped me by giving me encouragement and advice, which I took on. I managed to find that teacher voice that I never knew I had in me to control the class and teach content. I engaged in small talks with students to get to know them better. I tried my best to be involved in school activities and excursions to see how students perform in other areas other than English. I observed other teachers teach students to get ideas on improving my classroom management. Eventually, it was time to say goodbye. I don't hate many things but one of them is saying goodbyes. I had built a close bond with the teachers and students, which makes it all the more harder to say goodbye. I actually cried. The staff and students at the school have been very supportive and encouraging. I'm reminded again of why I decided to pursue this profession. It's rewarding to see students learn and grow and that you had made a difference, whether small or big, in their education. Thank you for all the great memories. I will treasure it forever.