Sep 11, 2009 17:28
Err...heeeey everybody! I'm crawling out of my hiatus! But that's not the point of my post.
While typing up Marluxia's post I ran into a few questions. I know we've touched on this stuff before, but maybe we should try to come up with some cast consensus? lmfao I. don't really know exactly how to put this but. We've pretty much agreed that Nobodies have no physical heart and therefore no blood, right? And that they just go through human motions because it is just too weird to not eat or not breathe or not sleep. Is it safe to assume that for all intents and purposes, a Nobody is a type of vampire, and the only thing that really works for them is their mind?
But with that, a whole bunch of questions arise. Like if they have dead organs, what do they do with all that food they consume? And how can a Nobody be drugged if the ability for chemical uptake just disappears? They don't age, right? So what happens when all their brain cells die out., I won't go there.
It could be easier to assume that Nobodies are not heartless in a physical sense, but canon seems to debunk this.
ohmygod I keep confusing myself further by typing this /)///(\