Beta Post

Mar 09, 2010 16:34

Looking for a beta? Want to offer your services to those who might need one? This is the place to do it.

Please leave a detailed comment with what you need or what services you're offering and don't forget to have fun! Please include any warnings about the fic so that you can find the best beta to fit your needs.

Example: I'm mainly looking for a grammar beta, but any feedback on content would be lovely. I'm pretty confident with how my scenes flow but if something doesn't make sense, please point it out. My fic is an AU (Colby's a firefighter, Don's a bomb tech, Coop's a paramedic, and Charlie's a Chemistry professor) so characterization of what we KNOW of the boys isn't a priority. Interested people should e-mail me at

Beta Readers, please use this guideline for responding:

E-mail or other contact preference:
What you are willing to read (pairings, favorite kinks, etc):
What you are unwilling to read (pairings, squicks, etc):
Any other info you think is relevant:
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