I havn't fully decided on a name yet, but he will be called Davy Jones for now. (My last name is Jones, so, yes)
I got him yesterday from Petco, the guy showed me and my dad around, and recomended Davy, and he was indeed chilln'. Oh yes, I have a picture too.
http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s138/El_ducky/009-1.jpg He is facinated by anything that makes noise when you step on it, such as plastic bags or paper. Plus, he like to dig on carpet, so I trying to find a solution to make him stop. And he likes shoulders. A lot.
He is also not litter trained yet, so he went on my bed four times. But I'll get to that later.
If anyone has any ferret training tips, or advice on what games I could play with him, or recomended toys, please let me know.