Dec 14, 2005 00:47
1. Slept in your bed: me
2. Saw you cry: my momma
3. Made you cry: myself
4. Went to the movies with you: i don't remember the last time i went to the movies.
5. You went to the mall with: sarah probs
7. You went to dinner with: cat
8. You talked on the phone with: my sister
9. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it: my dad
10. Broke your heart: leonardo dicaprio
11. Made you laugh: my sister
12. Bought you something: it was a slice of pizza. and i'm not quite sure.
1. pierce your nose or tongue? neither. ow.
2. be serious or be funny? funny
3. drink whole or skim milk? skimmeyimmyimmy
4. die in a fire or drown? i would rather drown. fire burns.
5. spend time with your parents or go down on someone? what the fuck. seriously.
1. simple or complicated? comlicated i guess. i don't understand myself sometimes.
2. Gay? no
3. Hardcore? hmm. no.
4. Honest? yes
1. flowers or angels? what the fuck do those two things have to do with eachother
2. gray or black? blk
3. Color or Black and white photos? black and white
4. lust or love? both
5. sunrise or sunset? sunrise
6. M&Ms or Skittles? skits bitz
7. rap or rock? both.
1. do you like anyone? yes.
2. do they know it? yes.
1. being hot or cold? hooootttttttttt fuck the cold. fuck.
2. sun or moon?moon
3. Winter or Fall? fall
4. left or right? well i like making right turns rather than left turns. other than that they both have their own good aspects.
5. having 10 acquaintances who will have sex with you or having 2 best friends? ha ha. uh. well i do love gang bangs, but 2 best friends are much harder to find than 10 aquaintances to hve sex with. they might be ugly, but hey.
6. sun or rain? sun.
7. vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? vanilla
8. boys or girls? boys
9. vodka or Jack? jaack. come on now.
What time is it? 12:32
Name? casey
Nickname(s): snasey cock. casey jones. snaser. snock. cock.
Where do you want to live? amsterdam
How many kids do you want? scary.
What kind of job do you want? photo journalist who gets to travel all over the world.
Do you want to get married? not right now.
1. Nervous Habits? hm. playing with objects.
2. Are you double jointed? no
3. Can you roll your tongue? yeah. a lot of good that does me.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? yes.
5. Can you cross your eyes? yes.
6. Do you make your bed daily? never
1. Which shoe goes on first? which ever one i find first.
2. ever thrown one at someone? yes
3. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? there is no average. one week i will have a hundred dollars, the next i will have whatever change i find at the bottom of my purse.
4. What jewelry do you wear?rings. an earring. a belly button garnish.
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? ew. no.
3. Favorite ice cream flavor? vanillala and coffee.
4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? two. corn flakes and cheerios. it's very exciting.
5. What's your favorite beverage? watah coffee and wine
6. What's your favorite restaurant? wildflower thai cafe
7. Do you cook? when i'm not too lazy, yes.
1. How often do you brush your teeth? in the morning and before bed
2. How do you wear your hair for the most part? clipped up
3. Have you ever dyed/highlighted your hair? yes
1. Do you swear? yes
2. Do you ever spit? loogs
3. You cook your own food? if i had the option i would. i either have to eat gross school food or starve.
4. You do your own chores? chores? i stopped considering them chores when i stopped getting allowance.
6. You like beef jerky? ew no.
7. You like pepsi or coke? pepsi
8. You plan on going to college? tomorrow morning
9. You're happy with your hair? i don't really care about it very much.
10. You own a dog? <3 yes
11. You spend your money wisely? not even a little bit
12. You're always making new friends? not really.
13. You like to swim? yes
14. have You ever got so bored you call a friend? probs
15. You're patient? no
16. You like this survey? it's better than what i'm about to do. study for a math final i am driving back to school tomorrow morning to take.
In the last month have you...
1. Had sex? YEA!!!
2. Bought something? YEA!!
3. Gotten sick? YEA1!!
4. Sang? YEA!!!
5. Been kissed? YEA!!!
7. Felt stupid? haha yesterday when i spilled wine all over smack's bed.
8. Missed someone? mmhmm
9. Got drunk? ha ha
10. Gotten high? HAA HAA
11. Danced crazy? i'm sure i have.
12. Gotten your hair cut? i don't know. sarah cut it a little while ago.
13. Watched cartoons? yesss
14. Lied? yes, unfortunatley i have to do that sometimes.
1. Wished you were the opposite sex? yes
2. Snuck out of your house? yess
3. Gave money to a homeless person? mmhmm
1. male friend: smack or alex
2. female friend: sarah
3. vacation: greece
4. age: 15 or so. yes. 15 definitley, before anything.
5. memory: being a little kid. pretend, playing cops and robber and watching peewee with alex, riding in my dad's car listening to oldies 98.1, the smell of bread, christmas, the shore, really early in the morning with my mom, going on trips with sarah. ten dollar mic and alter ego shows, the cosme's house, day trips during the summer with smackandestie, slaughter beach.
1. Time of day: waking up. duh.
2. Day of the week: monday monday
3. Food: mayonaise
4. Memory: crazy crazy shit.
5. Boyfriend or girlfriend: it was the best and the worst
1. Person u saw: my sister
2. Talk on the phone: my sisterrrr. or cat maybe.
3. Hugged: brian or my moma
4. Messaged: briaaananan vviiiiiig
5: IM: peach
1. Kiss: 8th grade
2. Serious bf or gf: jim
3. Car: mi caaa!! 93 mitz-oo-beesh-ie
4. First school: atlantic avenue elementray. preschool is a joke.
5. Job: before i was old enough to wait tables and had to buss them.
1. What are you doing now: procrastinating. real bad.
2. Tonight: studying, getting a couple hours of sleep
3. Wearing: sweatpants and cat's camooflauge thermallllie shirt
4. What did you eat for lunch: a piece of pizza.
5: Better than yesterday: today was chiller.
1. Is: my math final. the last time i have to go to school for a long time.
2. Got any plans: wake up at 7. buy some coffee at wawa and drive back to school. take my math final. make sure there is no food or illegal things in my room. print out my english paper and do the sources for my mid east paper. drive home. take a bath/take a nap/call brian/smack, smoke some doob.
3. Goal: i have no goals.
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: the wholewaking up and school part.
1. Number: 9
2: Song: right now. emerald ally--up,bustle&out,
3. Color: grass green. ambergoldreddishorange
4. Season: spriingaa
5. State: fuck my ass. massachusets was nice.
1. Are you in love? sii, ah mi amor
2. Dating someone: chyah
3. Missing someone: hmm. now that i think about it yeah. thanks a lot.
4. Mood: tired. lazy. apathetic. pile of crappish.
5. Wanting: sleep and no obligations.