(no subject)

Jul 12, 2007 09:56

As per the suggestion of fireworkfiasco, here's a master list of all the Kelly/Andy fic that's been posted so far. As more gets written, I figure I'll add it on here. :)

Kelly/Andy Fanfiction Master List
(Organized by Author)

Accidental Harmony (Just Call Them Grant & Barrymore) (PG) - Five impromptu duets between Kelly Kapoor and Andy Bernard.
l'amour fou (PG) - Kelly and Andy watch Marie Antoinette. Discussion ensues.
Chivalry and the Citrus-Flavored Beverage (Or, Andy Bernard's Quest for Wall-Punching Redemption) (PG) - Ryan returns, to the great distress of everyone. Andy tries to ease the suffering.
something like star-crossed (PG) - Andy introduces Kelly to the wonderful world of Star Wars.

Kelly Kapoor and the Deathly Hallows (G) - Kelly Kapoor doesn't like to be spoiled.

The Unexpected Miracle (PG) - Kelly finds a savior in the last person that she would ever expect.
I Can Be Your Hero (PG) - To Kelly's surprise, Andy's not the total psycho freak that she thought he was.
The First Morning (PG-13) - Kelly watches Andy sleep on their first morning together.

Get loved, make more, try to stay alive (PG) - She tried to think of a time that she had totally agreed with anything that Ryan had ever said to her, but nothing came to mind.
What We Admire (PG-13) - She resolved that her next boyfriend would know the difference between lavender and heather flower.

break up sex on a technicality (R) - Written for the nothing_hip challenge for Green Day's 'Basket Case' - I am one of those/melodramatic fools/neurotic to the bone.
in her color portrait world (R) - Sequel to "break up sex on a technicality"

Uptown Girl (PG) - Andy's second day at the Scranton branch: so far, a pret-ty good day.
Leave A Tender Moment Alone (PG) - Kelly and Andy eat Skittles together after he returns from anger management.
Tell Her About It (PG-13) - Andy deals with post-break-up Kelly.


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