Jun 06, 2005 21:04
Heheehehe It was a fun day! I went to the mall(me? at the malll? what a shocker) with Paige and bought clothes from Hollister. LMAO for my belated birthday gift she gave me a hersheys kiss maker. DUDE I CAN MAKE HERSHEYS KISSES BY MYSELF NOW! hahahaaa. My bag spilled all this water on the floors at Hollister and the employees were glaring at me. Hm, I'm probably banned from that store now. Next time I go there they'll prolly be like "THERES THE SHORT BROWN GIRL! GET HER OUT!"...nigggga!!
lmao The Longest Yard was such a funny movie. ahahahaha.
SwimGal0704 : brb my brothers need help withe the strawberries
Auto response from SwimGal0704 : picking strawberries with my brothers
be bak when i am done
call me
lmao I love my mexican homie. ahahahahahhaaha. U still need to mow my lawn Meg Meg..
Q:Which state sells the smallest cans of diet coke?
GET IT GET IT?!! ahahaha