I mentioned on Thursday's post that I had a busybusy weekend planned and, oh man, was that the truth. On Friday night Sarah, Carrie and I went up to the Catalyst for EDEN, and then on Saturday afternoon all the way to about noon today, Brianna, Scrubba, Aleena and I all celebrated Aleena's sweet 16 (lucky bitch). In short? The craziest, most hectic, amazing weekend that I've had in a really long time.
So, Friday night. EDEN was a small-scale all-ages rave up in Santa Cruz. It was the first rave that I'd ever gone to and, let me tell you, it was an amazing experience. The dynamic at raves is so different from what you find in high school dances and concerts. Everybody is there to rock out, so there's none of those little pissing matches that you get at regular shows. It was just awesome.
I wish I had the words to express the feeling of being at a rave. The closest thing I can equate it to would be a kind of religious experience. Have you ever seen videos of those big Southern churches, where everybody is singing gospel and the people are getting so into it that they're crying and flailing? Yeah, that's kind of what being at a rave is like. Every time the music crescendos, everybody is right there with it. It's about 110 degrees, you're right up against the stage, and somebody you've never met grabs your hand and starts bouncing with you. You just go with it.
I got so into it that this adorable, short hispanic boy with a septum piercing who was standing next to me asked if I was thizzing. When I told him I was sober he gave me a high five and we just kind of jammed together there for a sec. If I'm being completely honest here, I wouldn't mind doing a rave on E. I have a feeling that it would be really intense.
Anyways, the lineup was pretty good. The first guy up there,
DJ John Beaver (most unfortunate name ever), was simultaneously adorable and awesome. He got the crowd going really high octane, and his mixes were the best that night. Sarah fell in love with him. I kind of did to.
The only major bummer of the night was that my friend Rogan was somewhere in the club, but we couldn't find each other all night! D:
Long story short, I raved for four hours, and I'm in serious pain now. But it was worth it. Ya'll can read more about it on
Sarah's blog.
So, after about four hours of sleeping on Carrie's floor, I drove my tired ass back to Monterey for the lovely Aleena's sweet 16 pool party. Much fun was had, and of course Mama Jo and I threw her in, clothes and all. Later that night, everybody came over to my house. We chilled for a while, and then walked up to McDonalds, where we chilled some more, ate, Alyssa and I played in the Play Place while Aleena and Brianna just kind of shook their heads and glared, chilled even more with some friends, and then went home. Back at my house we rated penises on Chatroulette (WHICH WAS THE BEST IDEA EVER, ILY IVY), and watched Avatar. I fell asleep at about 12:30, but apparently Brianna and Aleena were up until like 4. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THEY DO THAT. Bitches be crazy.
The whole thing was really fun. The thing that I missed most about being with my MHS friends was how much of a family we all are. I'm close to plenty of my York friends, but it's not the same. I mean, we can show up at any of our houses in the middle of the night and sleep off whatever we were doing on the living room floor. That's not something that I can do with my York friends. There are a couple of people that I could probably pull that off with, but I still feel like, on the whole, their classier than I am. So I guess what I'm saying is that I'm more comfortable around my MHS friends? I don't know. Welcome to the teenage part of my blog: the part where I have no idea what I'm talking about.
In other news, I finally have an appointment with the doctor about getting a prescription for anti-anxiety pills.
All in all, it was a bomb diggity weekend, and I'm absolutely exhausted. I'm pulling a total Sonja move and skipping school tomorrow. I've had two panic attacks since Thursday; I need a mental day off. After that? Two days of review, two days of testing, and I'm freeeeeeee!
Oh, and I kind of promised myself I wasn't going to beg for comments, but I just wanted to say that, if people are reading my blog, I really appreciate any feedback/advice/nerding that you all are willing to give.
Night <3