May 05, 2010 23:28
So, it's been about three weeks since I've posted anything, but I have good excuse!
The past three weeks have been anything but peaceful. Since I last posted, my life has changed a lot. I made my choice to leave York, I got in touch with a lot of old friends, I took the opportunity to further pursue my art, and I caught a nasty, naaaaaaaaasty flu.
The deal:
I like York. It's a great school with brilliant teachers and a lot of nice kids, but it isn't for me. York is geared toward kids who are willing to put 150% into their studies and either sacrifice a lot of teenage freedom or overcome the workload. Unfortunately for me, I don't fit into either of those categories. My main focus is outside of academics, and as much as I love York, the workload is cutting more into my life than I'd like. These past two years have been hard for me in more ways then one, and I finally came to the decision that it isn't worth it. And I honestly feel a lot better for it. I'll miss the school, the teachers and the kids, but I feel like transferring to ACA is the best choice for me.
Speaking of transferring, I got accepted to the Art Careers Academy, which is a school within Monterey High with an art-focused curriculum. I'm super excited. Not only will my academic workload be lighter, but I'll have a lot more time to focus on my art. There are so many more art-based opportunities at ACA for me than there were at York, and I'm excited to pursue them. Another plus is that all of my childhood friends go to Monterey High, and a lot of them are involved in ACA. Not being with them over the past two years has been really hard on me, so I'm glad that I can finally get back to them. I don't really think that I can express through words exactly how much I've missed them. My elementary/middle school was really small, and I was in the same class with the same people for about seven years. I grew up with most of these kids, so they're like family to me. These guys are really like an extension of my family. So yeah, another plus. In addition to that, ever since word has gotten around that I'm transferring, a lot of people I haven't talked to in two years have facebooked me. It's exciting!
Also, I rediscovered Motion City Soundtrack. Commit this to Memory is possibly the greatest album ever.
The flu. I have this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad flu. So far, I've missed four and a half days of school in the past two weeks, which is a lot for me. It's especially hard since we're right in the middle of term papers/end of the year projects/finals season. Ugh. Sensei actually refused to let me into last period yesterday. She made me go home! But I'm starting to feel better, so that's good.
And this brings me to the real reason for this post. This is supposed to be my final post in this semester-long blog project. I've learned a lot through this blog, and I've really come to like it. It's nice to have an outlet for my nerdrants. So, even though the graded portion of this blog is over, I think that I'm going to continue it. However, it comes with a warning.
Warning: Since this is the last post any way affiliated with York or my grades, the content of this blog is going to change. It's going to contain more swearing, more of my personal life, sporadic updates, and stories of questionable endeavors. I'm almost a junior in high school, and with that comes a lot of territory that some people might not approve of. To them, I'll say this: If you don't like what I talk about in this blog, don't read it. The new goal of this blog is to be an honest, accurate record of my life through the last two years of high school and possible beyond. And yes, that includes boy issues, friend issues, school issues, and all of the other things that every teenager attending a public school will face. Of course, that doesn't mean that I'm going to neglect my nerdiness, my interest in music, movies, games or art. And it definitely won't effect Fringewatch. Just be warned that from here on out, not everything will be sugar coated and PG-13 rated.
And I guess that brings me to the end of this school project. If this is the last post you plan on tuning in to, thank you for reading. If you plan on continuing to follow me, thank you for that to. My life is quite a bit more exciting than this blog has let on to, and I promise not to disappoint.
commit this to memory,
motion city soundtrack,
monterey high,