Brad Pitt is Awesome

Jun 07, 2005 22:20

Please look at this website and seriously consider its message.

Yesterday I saw a commercial for an interview with Brad Pitt and decided I wanted to watch it. I've liked all of his movies (that I've seen, anyway) and thought it'd be interesting to determine if I actually like him as a person. To me, the same movie taste kind of indicates compatible personalities. You probably think I'm crazy, but that's how I saw it.

What I discovered was that Brad Pitt is so freakin' awesome. He was passionate about the poverty situation in Africa [he agreed to do the interview (which he abhors) just to bring light to the issue], well-spoken, and modest. He hoped that people wouldn't listen to him just because he was a celebrity but because the images show true need. He said he was actually nervously sweating! I loved what he said about Americans, that our interests are misguided. While he can't get out of the press, impoverished Africans can't get in it. The things he said were just so insightful. I seriously loved and agreed with everything he said. I wish you all had seen the interview. It was amazing. The show made me smile so many times. The dancing kids were adorable!

My favorite quote from the interview was Brad Pitt's response to rumors in the media. He said, "It's 2% real fruit juice...the rest is just garbage with no nutritional value." I thought it was ingenious and witty.

The show really motivated me to donate to/sponsor a child. I had considered it once before when I was much, much younger, but ruled it out because I had no source of income. I wish I had done it...I may not have had much money, but I was still being selfish. I could have helped at least for a time. Part of me was concerned that helping for a few months and cutting off aid might be harmful, but I see that it wouldn't have been. I really want to help. The cost of a cd ($16) can pay an African child's entire education cost for a year, meaning tuition, uniform, and books. I'm seriously contemplating this. I wish I had a job...I'm worried about paying for my own education! No...that's selfish. I think I'm going to do this. At the very least I'm buying the wristbands.

Thank you, Brad Pitt, for motivating me to do this. I'm not listening to you because you're a celebrity--I'm listening because what you have to say matters. My respect for you is 100% fruit juice.
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