[The Student's Prince Charming] Chapter 1 - The Unexpected Beginning

Dec 10, 2011 23:15

Title: The Student’s Prince Charming
Author: omgitshsj
Pairing: [Unrevealed Mystery boy from H!S!J] X FC (Katrina)  
Rating: PG    
Summary: When they met by fate.. LOL no, when her best friend made them meet by fate, could their relationship last? Katrina is a hard-working and soon-to be college scholar that is still trying to find her path in life with her best friend Clarisse, who is on her way to opening a successful bakery. What happens when Clarisse suddenly gets Katrina stuck into some troublesome love?                                                                                                                                                                                                  A/N: I feel like I should be really descriptive and in-depth with this fic so.. Be prepared for some long, vivid chapters XD

[Katrina’s thoughts are in this color]

[I thought it would be fun if I added emoticons to some of the dialogue so I did it XD]

[Enjoy minna.. Especially Katrina xD]
***    ***   ***
[Chapter 1 - The Unexpected Beginning]
She looked up in frustration, “OH man, oh man, oh man-” she hopped up and down, trying to calm herself.

“What am I going to do?!” She shrugged.

It was almost a week before she had to choose her college of choice… well, not necessarily. But what did this mean? Hmm.. was because of her high and astonishing grades that she was able to be accepted and transfer to any college she desired and was in her reach? Probably, but this evidentially was making herself stressed. How could she choose just one college out of the many in the world?

Jeez~ which one do I pick?! What am I going to major in? Medical or Business… or maybe even Law? She slipped on to the couch and messed up her hair in frustration. Uggh, this is too much to handle. She crawled over to the side table so she could reach over and grab her phone. Dialing the memorized number, she called her best friend.

Ring after ring, Katrina screamed impatiently in her head, Come on, COME ON! Pick up ALREADY!

“HI! This is Clarisse!” She chippered.

Katrina sighed, “Oh thank God, Clarisse I seriously need your help-“

“Haha! Did I fool you? This is my voice mail; I can’t get to the phone right so please leave a message after the beep! :D”

Beep. Oh snap, what do I say?! NO TIME~

“Uh-uhm, hey Clarisse-Are you home? If you’re not it’s okay, I just need someone to talk to. B-but no rush! I can talk to the wall or something-“

“Beeeeep. Please hang up the phone or try again.”

She let out a sigh, how could she bottle in something so great? Katrina decide to go over Clarisse’s house for a visit.. And if she wasn’t there she would wait.

And she just wished Clarisse would be there.

Katrina stumbled over her house looking for her car keys; she finally found out she had left it in her coat pocket and face palmed herself when she put it on. Going out, she literally tripped over nothing while getting into her car. And all in a rush, she quickly raced to Clarisse’s house, but still following the rules of the road.

When she surprisingly let out a huff and puff, she rang the doorbell and knocked on the door a couple of times.

“CLARISSE?! ARE YOU IN THERE?!” She basically tackled the door, and she even looked through the glass openings, “CLARRIIIISE! AKDAKLDAJBAAAH OPEN THE DOOR-I KNOW YOU’RE HIDING IN THERE! D:<”  Katrina kicked the door and screamed in defeat.

Just then, Katrina heard someone clear their throat, “Ugh-do you mind not killing my door..?”

Katrina turned around, “Huh?” Her face lit up, “Clarisse! Oh man-I’m so happy to see you!” Katrina ran to Clarisse and gave her a bear hug, making Clarisse drop the bags in her hands.

“Woah, I’ve never felt so wanted~” Clarisse teased as Katrina let go.

“Oh please, you know all the boys want you.” Katrina said to her; she crouched down to help pick up the bags Clarisse had dropped.

“Thanks,” Clarisse smiled, “So.. Whatcha doing here?”

“Oh, well, I need your help.”


“You have to pick one quick!” yelled Clarisse.

“You think I don’t that?!” Katrina yelled back, “Jeez, what have I been talking about?!”

Clarisse put on her you-hurt-my-feelings-now-fix-it face and slumped in her chair, "Okay.."

“NO! CLARISSE, THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BREAK DOWN.” Katrina rushed over to her “hurt” best friend trying to calm her down.

“AAAH~ DX” Clarisse cried.

Katrina went into a praying position, “PLEASE! NO CRYING NOW! CLARISSE, I’LL BUY YOU ICE CREAM!”

“Okay.” Clarisse was just fine, of course.

Katrina rolled her eyes, “Jeez, I’ll think it over by myself.” She said, also taking a seat. Clarisse's faced brightened.

“OH MY GOSH! I FORGOT TO TELL YOU!” Clarisse squealed, which startled Katrina.

“WHAT?!” Katrina grabbed Clarisse’s shoulders and shook her, “WHAT?!!!”

She stood up, “You know that bakery thing I wanted to do sooo baaaddly?”


Clarisse jumped up and down, “It got UH-PPROVED!”

Katrina gasped, “NO FREAKING WAY.”

“Yes freaking way!” Clarisse and Katrina looked at each other for a moment in silence.

“AAAAAAAAH~!!” They screamed their somewhat high-pitched screams and jumping around in the kitchen in excitement. After they cooled down, they decided to go to eat for this event.


“Wow~” Katrina said, “You’re gonna make a lot of money!”

Clarisse took a quick bite out of her maki roll, “Oh YEUH-But we don’t know that yet.” Clarisse had thought about it.

She hesitated, “Wait-what if I don’t make any money?! And-and all the things I’ve worked up for goes into the ground?! :O”

Clarisse grabbed Katrina’s shoulders which made her drop her chopsticks, “KATRINA! HAVE I BEEN WASTING MY ENTIRE LIFE TO SOMETHING THAT MIGHT NOT EVEN WORK?! DX”

Katrina grabbed Clarisse’s hands, “Clarisse, you have to calm THE HECK DOWN!” Katrina said picking up her chopsticks.

Clarisse took deep breaths, “Yea-you’re right. I should calm down.”

“Oh so anyway.. Where’s your bakery gonna be set up? Near your house or my house? I really hope it’s near my house, your tarts are aMAZing~ *O*” Katrina asked innocently.

Clarisse’s face turned bitter, “Uhm, Katrina that’s some bad news..”

“There is?” Katrina said looking up at the ceiling, “Oh man! I KNEW IT.” Katrina stammered.

“You do?!” Clarisse yelled with wide eyes.

“The bakery is near your house isn’t it?!” she exclaimed in defeat.

She shrugged, “Nevermind.” Clarisse took another bite to fill the void.


“Uwah!” Clarisse stretched her arms, “Thanks so much for the food, Kat!”

Clarisse stopped, “Erm-or maybe I should say arigatou gozaimasu..”

“Ooh~ practicing our Japanese now, are we?” Katrina giggled, “Doumo, then~”

“Hehe, but Katrina..”

Noticing the worried expression on Clarisse’s face, she stopped walking, “Clarisse, what’s wrong? Is there something bothering you?”

Clarisse turned around, “Well.. Kat, I’m sorry.. I don’t know how to tell you this.”

“Clarisse-seriously, what’s wrong? You’re scaring me.”

“Okay, I’m just gonna tell you straight.” Clarisse took a deep breath, “My bakery is going to be in-“ Clarisse closed her eyes and let out the breath.


Katrina’s eyes expanded and her mouth dropped, “Wh-what? Japan? What the-Why are you moving so far away?!” She screamed.

“I know, I know, really.” Clarisse looked down, “But that’s where my bakery will… flourish, and.. I need to be successful if I want this thing to work out.”

Katrina settled her breath, “Well- but are we going to still see each other?”

“Hopefully, we can Skype and stuff-talk on the phone, text each other.”

“Oh okay..” Katrina whispered but was loud enough for Clarisse to hear. Throughout the whole ride it was silent as Katrina drove Clarisse home.


“Uhm.. so you're home.” Katrina said as she pulled up to the driveway.

“Okay, thanks.” Clarisse said opening the door, “Hey, I’ll-I’ll text you when I leave.”

“Which is when?” Katrina asked worriedly but cautiously.

“Soon..” Clarisse closed the door.


Katrina was driving home when she thought about what had just happened. Seriously? Japan? That’s so far away! Not that I’m not supporting Clarisse or anything but-it’s just.. I mean how could she really leave that far away? Won’t she get scared? And what about me? I gonna be a mess or something. JESUS-ME NO LIKEY THIS AT ALL !! (ToT)/~~~

Just then, Katrina realized she had already passed her house. Oh man, what a waste of gas, she pouted. Katrina pulled up to her driveway and got out of the car, unlocked the front door and closed it as soon as she got in. She ran up the stairs and slammed her door.

“AAAAAH” she screamed into the soft covers.

“I’m gonna be all alone and junk...” She mumbled. Katrina drifted away into the land of dreams, only when she was interrupted by her phone ringing.


~Like a G6, like a G6 Now I’m feelin so fly like a G6
Like a G6, Like a G6
Now I’m feelin so fly like a G6~“Uggh-“Katrina lifted her head, “w-what’s going on?” Ugh, gross. I forgot to brush my teeth. She rubbed her eyes and got up, reaching for her phone.

She answered it, “H-hello?”

“KATRINA!” Clarisse screamed into the phone.

“Clarisse? What are you-what time is it?!”

“3! But that’s not the problem right now!” She yelled some more.

“WHAT?! 3 A.M?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING CALLING ME AT 3 AM?!!” Katrina complained.


“Then what is it?!”

Katrina could hear Clarisse’s voice hitch, “Okay.. I know this is sudden but... What if you went to Japan with me?”

Katrina dropped her phone. What?! That is sudden, man! How am I supposed to decide now?! But I don’t want to hurt Clarisse’s feelings! Katrina quickly picked up her phone as she heard Clarisse say something.

“So.. will you come?” Clarisse asked unknowingly.

“Uh-sure?” WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!

“OH MY GOSH REALLY?!” Katrina could hear Clarisse drop the phone, screaming and jumping around in her room, “Oh man! I’m so excited, I was pretty sure you would say no but-AAAAH~”

“Okay!! Since you’re coming with me,” she squealed, “hurry up and get your clothes packed!”

“WHAT?!” Katrina screamed, “WHY NOW?!”

“Because our flight leaves at 9!” Clarisse said, “I’m gonna hang up okay? I have to buy your ticket!”

“Wait-“Katrina tried to get in, “WAIT, what do I bring?!” WAIT, THAT’S NOT THE QUESTION I NEED TO ASK RIGHT NOW.

“UH-clothes? Money, maybe? A camera-it doesn’t even matter! You’re gonna live with me, right? Everything will be taken care of!” Clarisse exclaimed eagerly.

“Nonononononono! Wait, Clarisse, be reasonable, lemme-“But before Katrina could finish, Clarisse had already hung up.


OH MY GOODNESS, I’m-I’m going to Japan? This is happening way, way,way,way, way TOO FAST.. AAAH, I’M REALLY GOING. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO THERE?! I’M ONLY LEARNING JAPANESE NOW!! AND I’M SUPPOSE TO BE GOING TO COLLEGE IN WHAT, A MONTH?! WHAT THE HAIL IS GOING ON?!  JEEZUZ, TOO MUCH!! Meh, I have to get my stuff get all packed up now =3=

-- Later that morning

“You ready?” Clarisse had already been in Katrina’s house ever since 6 A.M. that morning. They were excited, but Katrina was
quite nervous.

“Uh, sure” Katrina left a note on the counter and many voicemails to her parents that she was leaving. Of course she had to inform her family on her leave even though it was sudden. But it wasn’t like she was running away or anything.

“Let’s go.” Clarisse said as she her and the taxi driver finished packing the bags in the car, “wait.”

“What?” Katrina asked.

“Checklist~” She sang, “Passport?”


“Cell phone?”


“Goood~” Clarisse happily said checking it off,” and now I’m lazy, so no more checklists.”

Katrina chuckled, “You just love making checklists.”

Clarisse opened the car door for Katrina, “They make everything easier~”


After the taxi ride, and their awkward talk with the driver, they finally made it into the airport. Since it was 8:20 and the two were already running late, they chased down the lanes and through security. In the process, though, Katrina somehow had to pry off Clarisse from the security guards that doubted the safeness of the items in her backpack, even though she did bring a hot glue gun and some scissors.

Katina shrugged, how did I get into this mess? Clarisse and Katrina were at their gate A4; surprisingly, they made it on time. They took a seat closest to the window so they could be first on line. Katrina looked down at her watch, 8:50.. almost time to go. She glanced over to Clarisse, who was currently playing Angry Birds on her phone.

“Hey Clarisse~” Katrina asked while nudging Clarisse’s arm.

“Hmm?” She said, not looking away from the game.

“How do you think life’s gonna be there..” Thinking about it Katrina said, “you know, in Japan.”

Clarisse paused her game and glanced at the sky through the large window as if she could see Japan from afar. She took a deep breath, “Well, if you think about it this way, maybe you’ll be able to find yourself there. Here in America, you already know your surroundings.. But in Japan, you-we don’t have any idea what it’s like there. We have to fend for ourselves which builds up character I guess..”

Katrina looked down, she was right.. But Katrina was still scared. What if she couldn’t “build” character? Was this going to go down? Is this going to be a complete failure? Katrina fidgeted as these questions were running through her mind.

“Kat.” Katrina looked up, surprised to see Clarisse’s worried face.


Clarisse wrapped her arm around Katrina’s shoulder, “Don’t worry, everything going to be fine.” then she smiled.
Katrina smiled back and snuggled into her friends shoulder, everything’s going to be juuust fine…

Hopefully xD

(>*p*)> OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM N<(*p*<)LOL, sorry Kat! I knew I said I would get this out by your birthday but obviously.. XD Hopefully you enjoyed this!
 Haha, I think it's good that I'm not dead and I updated something atleast xD
Comments are loved!

title: the student's prince charming

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