
Jul 07, 2011 08:20

Title: Anniversaries
Pairing: Yonghwa/Seohyun
Genre: Romance, comedy
Rating: pg-13
Summary: marking special occasions

happy belated international kissing day!

I'm back in Busan, spending a long-awaited weekend at home with my family. My schedule's been so hectic lately that this little break is a welcome switch up to my week.

The phone rings and my mom calls out from the kitchen, "Can you get that, Yonghwa?"

I grab the cordless phone and answer. "Hello?"

"Hello? Abeoji-nim? This is --" It's a girl's voice.

"I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong number."

"Hmm. Okay, I must have misdialed. Thank you," and the caller hangs up.

I make my way to the kitchen to watch mom make lunch. She stops briefly from chopping vegetables and turns to face me.

"Who was it?"

"Wrong number."

"Oh." She eyes my casual posture, leaning against the door frame, arms crossed across my chest and legs crossed at my ankles. "So are you going to just stand there or are you going to help?" she asks playfully, her voice climbing and dipping in the satoori that I am always missing. She motions toward the rice cooker, not needing to say another word.

My father headed out to the office earlier this Sunday morning to pick up files he'd forgotten and would need to work on before tomorrow. I turned him down when he asked me to go with him. I like hanging out with my dad and we could've talked in the car, but I just didn't want to leave the house. Besides, he promised he'd be back for lunch.

30 minutes later, lunch is almost done and I hear the front door open.

"I'm home!"

"We're in here, yeobo!", my mom calls out from the kitchen. Rice cooked, I'm sitting at the counter, hunched over a book.

After a few minutes, Dad turns the corner and exclaims, "Wow, it smells great in here. Omo! And my son is reading a book?!" I look up at him and his expression is one of feigned surprise. The guy's hilarious. He walks up beside Mom and inspects her handiwork. "Yummy! Almost done?"

She smiles at him with one of her real smiles, where her eyes crinkle at the corners, and says, "A few more minutes. Go set the table."

He's obedient, moving toward the cabinets to do as he's told. I close my book and hop down from my stool to help him with the table.

"I've got it. Do you think your old man can't set the table?" he says, collecting utensils from the drawer.

"Can't? More like shouldn't. You have a son who can do it," I offer.

"It's not a big deal. It's just mom and me in the house these days, so I set the table all the time."

"Still," I say, grabbing the silverware from his hands and bringing them to the table to begin place setting.

He walks up alongside me and leans in to whisper. "Can you get something for me? In the study?"

I look at him and his hands are motioning a square. A box. The confused look on my face makes him chuckle. "It's a gift. White wrapping and yellow ribbon," he whispers, before glancing over his shoulder at Mom.

"Okay," I say, nodding, assuring him I understand what's he's saying. It must be a gift for Mom. He's always showering her with gifts and today's probably no different. The sly fox probably went out to buy it this morning to surprise her at lunch. I don't remember him ever forgetting a single anniversary or birthday. He even remembers those obscure anniversaries with Mom from when they were dating. The day of their first date. The day she agreed to his proposal of marriage. The day of their first fight. The man's a walking almanac and I know I should start doing the same.

"And where are you going?" Mom says as I'm heading out of the kitchen.

"To the bathroom. I'll be back." She seems convinced and I'm glad those acting classes paid off.

I shove my hands in the pockets of my jeans and whistle while making my way to the study. The door is slightly open, the way Dad always keeps it and so without a thought, I push it open. Leaning against his desk is Seohyun. She's wearing a white eyelet dress that grazes the tops of her knees and a light yellow sweater to cover her shoulders. A yellow satin ribbon serves as a belt on her dress, accenting her tiny waist. Her hair is down, but pulled back neatly to reveal her slender neck, and the tinge of pink lip gloss on her lips barely distracts from her beautiful eyes. Sunlight filters through the white curtains, softening the light in the room to an almost ethereal glow that is cast upon her. My jaw slackens at the vision before me and I've been holding my breath for a good long minute.

"Hi, oppa." She says with a comfortable smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your parents invited me to lunch."

"In Busan? You came all the way to Busan for lunch?"

She nods at me and lets out a slight giggle. "Your mother said that if I were to come back, she'd cook me something delicious." She takes a moment to inhale, eyes closed and nostrils flaring. "It smells wonderful."

I'm still having a difficult time coming to grips with Seohyun in my house. In Busan. "You don't have a schedule today?"

She shakes her head. "No. Not today." Then the signature Yongseo awkward pause commences and she looks down at her feet. I don't know what to say. I have so many questions, but I don't know where to begin, so I close, then lock the door behind me and move in, closing the gap between us, until we are standing face-to-face, a foot apart.


"It's okay, oppa. Let's just enjoy lunch."

"But, I..."

She reaches up and gently pats my shoulder, an unassuming smile on her lips. "It's okay," then moves past me toward the door.

I do the only thing that's been in my brain since I saw her leaning up against the desk. I grab her arm and spin her around to face me, pulling her close until we are inches apart and my hands settle upon her waist. She's holding her breath at my touch and when I look her in the eyes while my face is moving closer and closer to hers, her chest puffs up slightly. If she's not going to take a breath soon, she just might faint.

Our lips are centimeters apart and her eyes are open wide, looking into mine. I raise my eyebrows to her, as if to ask if it's okay and she nods ever so slightly. I close my eyes and gently brush my lips on hers. They are soft and slightly moist from her lip gloss. When I open my eyes, her eyes are still closed and her lips are still puckered, so I lean in again and kiss her. This time, my lips linger upon hers and she finally breaths out through her nose, a barely audible moan escaping her. I smile when I hear it then move my hand to cradle her head, tilting it slightly to the side and move my lips on hers, until she takes my cue and follows suit. Soon our mouths are open and we're kissing more deeply, our heads tilting opposite of each other in the process. With every kiss, I taste a hint of strawberry, which is probably the flavor of her lip gloss, and soon my tongue is caressing hers, hungry for more. Again, she follows my movements and I can feel her tongue against mine. I peck her on her lips once. Twice. Three times, and reach down to plant a kiss on her jawline before straightening up to look at her.

Her skin is flushed and her eyes are adjusting to the light in the room after her eyes were closed. I pull her into an embrace and she reciprocates, draping her arms around my neck. We let go and I rub my thumb beyond the borders of her lips, trying to remove any trace of lip gloss that may have strayed beyond its boundaries. She reaches up to do the same with her index finger. I grab her hand in mine, kissing the inside of her wrist before guiding her out of the room.

We walk into the dining room, hand in hand, and Mom and Dad are already sitting at the table, smiling at us.

"Omona! I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, Abeoji, Omoni," she says, bowing politely to my parents while I pull her chair out for her. She reaches across the table to hold my mom's hand, "Omoni, thank you so much for lunch. I'll eat it well." Mom looks like she's about to burst with excitement. She always gushes when it comes to Seohyun. She then turns to face my dad, "And Abeoji, thank you for inviting me to your lovely home and for picking me up at the airport." Dad is smitten. I can tell.

"So you found the gift?" Dad says as I sit down in my chair. Seohyun and I smile bashfully at each other. Once my parents begin eating, Seohyun picks up her chopsticks and begins to eat too.

"If there's one thing I've learned in all my years, it's that anniversaries are important," Dad says, looking over at my Mom. She shoots him one of her signature smiles while Seohyun and I heartily eat what she lovingly prepared for lunch. "In fact, today we're celebrating the first time your mom and I kissed."

Seohyun and I choke simultaneously on our food and my spoon drops onto the table. Dad leans over and pats my back while Mom pours a glass of water for Seohyun. We cough for awhile until finally, our coughing fits subside. And out of the corner of my eye, I swear I see my mom and dad smiling mischievously at each other.

senseless kissing, one-shot, romance, pg-13, fluff, yongseo

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