First, Dad didn't get his surgery. This is the third time in less than a year that it's been delayed, and we're all starting to get really frustrated. David said something about an ear infection, Dad said something about there being something in his urine, I don't know. It's just shitty either way, and I feel awful for my dad.
So just after I made yesterday's post, I finally started feeling sleepy, but I'd planned on getting up around 9 so there was no point in going to sleep. I did my exercise for the day and, wow, it instantly made me feel a lot better. I know it's said that physical activity helps when you're feeling in the dumps, but I didn't think the effect would set in that fast. Showered and dressed and headed to Zaiya to see Andrea off on her last day.
She looked completely different, wearing makeup and not-black and smiling. XD I joked that she was Monica, her twin, and asked for the real Andrea (and then a beef bowl because I was hungry). I sat down at the counter and there was an old white guy, like, late fifties, early sixties, sitting two seats away. Nothing out of the ordinary. A young Japanese woman -- not even out of her twenties sat in the seat between us. You can see where this is going. And she finished quickly, so the seat was open again and another woman sat down and... augh, it was so embarrassing. And gross. They ain't interested, grandpa, they're just trying to eat! I was so glad when he finally left.
With a belly full of rice and beef, I headed for the rink. EEEEEEE I practically ran inside, but by the time I got to the ice, it was already kinda shitty. Awwwww. Being the middle of a weekday, there weren't so many people around, so it was another 45 minutes before they decided to resurface. Unfortunately for me, my left knee was already killing me, and the edges of my boot were digging in to my calf. I spent most of the break rubbing my knee (it was fairly swollen) and trying to read.
Once I was back on the ice -- and they didn't do the best job resurfacing but whatever, it was much better than before (I could hear my blades etching it... I need to get them sharpened soon, hmm) -- I told myself I'd go around fifty times before I'd call it quits for the day: that'd be a fairly good estimation of an hour. I made it to twenty-two before my knee was killing me again and I had to stop. It was 2:30 by then, and I figured that was good, because I hadn't packed. I stopped by Kino first, to see if there was any new stationary I needed wanted, and there wasn't, so I called it a day and went home.
Unfortunately for me, again, there were no seats on the train until two stops before I got off, and being forced to stand while favoring one knee put undue stress on the other so BOTH my knees were killing me by the time I had to climb all the steps out of the subway. FUN. At least the bus came fairly quickly.
Dropped my skates at home, started to pack. I'd meant to leave around 5 so I could get to Es' around 7, when David asked if I could stay a little while longer. A family friend was supposed to come by and I needed to let him in. But I hadn't showered after skating and I was still kinda gross (I think), but with someone coming, I couldn't and had to wait. David came back about 5:30 and I asked him where the friend was, but he caught him soon after he left the house. Thanks. Jumped in the shower for two seconds, then left the house at 5:45.
I'd told Es I would be by between 7:30 and 8 because I had to housesit, and that's when I noticed my phone was dying. HOW, I'd had it plugged in and fully charged that morning! But I had to leave, so there was no time to charge it. Fine, I'd be at Es' in two hours anyway. When I got to the bus stop, there were already a couple of people there, so I took that as a sign that the bus would be coming shortly.
Except it didn't. There had been no problem with the buses after the hurricane (suspended with the rest of the MTA, sure, but they were back online quickly), and it was a day and a half after the snowstorm so almost all the snow was gone, not to mention I'd taken it earlier that day and it was fine. Why, then, did it take the bus an hour to show up? Six buses went by in the other direction. I counted. I called Dad to ask for a lift because it was beyond ridiculous, and just as he pulled up, the bus did, too. Beat the bus to the train station, too, because we'd passed it two blocks later.
Somewhere along the way, my phone died completely, so if you tried to reach me yesterday (which you probably didn't because internet), I'm sorry. My phone's battery is very tempermental. :|
So I schlepped up to Es' and got here just before 9 and she fed me Taco Bell, which was awesome because I was STARVING. I pretty much just crawled under the blankets and fell asleep and slept for like twelve hours because I was just done.
Today was the polar opposite of yesterday: lots of sleep and nothing to do. I had interesting dreams brought on by yesterday morning's post and mentioning all the shady shit that Baruch did. I was at some sort of holiday party with everyone and I was about to spill ALL THE BEANS and F and D were giving me the stinkiest of stink-eyes and grumbling out of the corners of their mouths. They were muttering to each other in Spanish and Jessie looked horrified and I was like SHUT UP I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SAYING and they were amazed because all this time they had no idea I'm Puerto Rican and I can (at least) understand Spanish. Ahahahaha~ But I didn't get to say anything before I woke up. SAD. There were lots of other dreams, but I don't remember them.
I'm suffering a bit of PKMN withdrawal, but that's okay, because I can read. Dinner soon, watching movies later. Yay. ♥