LOOKIT THIS MAGNIFICENT BASTARD. And all thirty-six diamonds painstakingly sewn on there. Took. Forever. Bonus points if you can find the derpy one!
Here's the detail on one of the diamonds. Some were a little sharper than this, some a little less sharp. It's 4"h x 2.5"w (102mm x 64mm)
All the disgusting interfacing cut off from the bottom of the dress, when I did the scalloped edge and added the diamonds. The difference in weight was remarkable.
But then I cancelled out that weight loss by adding this layer of chiffon over the top. Whoops!
Hopefully I can get all the trim I need to finish this thing up (!!!) sometime in the next week. I plan gettin' mah hurr did again tomorrow -- so I don't have to scramble for the wedding next week -- and then running into the city, only to come back home and catch up with the Long Islanders. I'm going to be EXHAUSTED. Night!