okay so they gave the girl in the front bangs and i had no idea until i went looking for images of the logo. when did this happen?!
So today is the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America, an organization of which I'm proud to have been a part of. Have I ever mentioned I was a Girl Scout? Yeah. I started in Girl Scouts when I was five, and was registered all the way through high school. I earned Silver when I was fifteen. :D And in honor of GSUSA's centennial today, as I've planned to do for ages, I went down to the council office in Manhattan (I knew exactly where it was, since I walked past it on the way home from work every day), and registered for a lifetime membership (I even remembered to wear green!). I'm a Girl Scout again! ... A lot's changed since 2000. There's a new logo and new uniforms and a new level of Scouts and I don't know what's going on anymore! @_@
I have no idea what any of the perks of adult membership are. I don't care. I'm just happy to be "back in the sisterhood," as someone told me today. We'll see where it goes from here.
So there was a party somehow? XD I don't know, after I finished filling out forms, they invited me to stay for cake, and so I did. And it was nice and quiet at first, but then a bunch of troops started coming in -- I don't know where they came from -- and the room was suddenly full of little girls. Most of them were Juniors and younger; there were only a couple Cadettes and Seniors (and Ambassadors, I hear this new level is called?). I just looked on like a creeper, but it made me so happy to be a part of everything.
A plaque listing the President's Awards Queens has earned since 1990. The last one was awarded in 2009. I know the President's Award is about volunteering and community service, but I'm not sure exactly what it entails. Queens totally had the most, though!
Harriet Phipps, President of the GS Council of Greater New York, 1942-1973. I didn't see any other plaques around, so I guess she was the first one? It's a bit silly to think that there wasn't a Girl Scout council in New York before 1942, so I'm just going to assume that it was called something else. ^_^
Juliette Gordon Low. The text beneath says "Juliette Low - Founder in the United States of the Girl Scouts - 1912
" 'She gave the lead -- she is not dead if we but keep alive the spirit that was hers.' --M.
Robert Baden-Powell"
Peace out, G-Scouts! ♥