Winning on home ice is important, but winning on the road is also important, and I hope the Canucks can do so on Wednesday because they got their asses handed to them tonight; the home team has won all three games. Mercifully (kinda), it was not for lack of shots, because Vancouver outshot Boston 41-38, but it was just Tim Thomas being a WALL and stopping all but one. Luongo, meanwhile, was very much off his game (I suppose, I didn't watch past the middle of the second), and the final score was eight to one. I just hope that all that goal not-blocking is out of his system. And while tonight's loss stings hard, I'm kinda happy because now I can watch Game Five with Theresa and Es and anyone else who wants to join us in a bar somewhere. :Db This is how I love spending time at cons now: NOT AT THE CON. AND DRINKING. /whatismylife
Speaking of, AnimeNEXT update: costumes are settled (I just hate that a lot of the stuff I'm bringing is stuff I'm using that day and I can't pack until then. Pain in the ass). Megan just got back to me with the MUN results and I'mma be Canadian. That uniform is a lot to pack for only one hour of cosplay. And then depending on how this week goes.... Fortunately, it's easy to think of an excuse for Canada to leave the MUN (because I'll have the other panel to run to), but... augh, hassle. Anyway, so there's Mountie!Canada, and Finland as I mentioned yesterday, then ichiP! shit and also: Yuki. Going through my old pictures, I realized Seychelles' dress is pretty much the same color as the skirt, and as the skirt has a tendency to ride, I hate wearing it. BUT if I wear the dress underneath the shirt, then it's long enough, it stays down AND I won't have to worry about my stomach showing, either, when I lift my arms (which I always hated). WORD! I just don't know when I'm doing Finland and Yuki; Es says we do SatW Sunday (which makes sense because it's a lazy day) but if we've got the group, I wanna show off a little, and that's better on Friday.... IDFK.
And then I can't do Kat's project because I probably won't have any extra room in my suitcase at all. Anime North was pretty bad, and I'm bringing more or less the same shit.
Thinking ahead to Otakon: if anyone has a super-short light brown or dirty blond wig, I'd like to borrow it, please. See, Caitlin got a
Buster Posey shirt, and we wanna do casual baseball cosplay (I'm overjoyed). Caitlin... doesn't have short light brown hair. So... please? :D And now I need blue eyeliner so I can draw José's tattoos all over myself.
Also, Es, I know we were jokingly talking about strippers. Can we get
Swedish twins? /obvious joke is obvious and visible from space I suppose this deems the Canadian Stripper Mystery solved?