Nov 20, 2010 15:39

I almost forgot, there's a load of other stuff going on!

I signed up for invisalign clear braces a couple of weeks ago. Just got my videos through the other day of how my teeth will move, they'll look MUCH better when it's all finished, and I only have to wear them for 7 months which is less than I was expecting.

Also I've saved up quite a bit of money now. Also also my brother has offered to go in on me with buying a house - he'd match my deposit on a mortgage, own a percentage of the house which I'd rent back off him, and I'd be able to buy him out at any time or when I sell the place. So effectively I've now got a much bigger deposit, which means I can get a nicer place which isn't in a shithole of a town, and also means I can get a better rate on a mortgage, so even with a bigger mortgage and borrowing more money overall, and even with paying my brother rent on the part of the property he'd own, I'll be better off financially. My bro will also be earning more on his money than he would if it were in the bank, so everyone's a winner.

ALSO also also, we're hiring a new Polish guy to work in the office at work, doing much the same stuff as what I'm doing at the moment (designing conservatories, building up a library of standard parts to use in 3D computer models, etc.), so I might finally be able to move away from actually designing the buildings that we make (10-15 per month between me and the other designer) and start doing more product design/development and other stuff like standard technical details to send to customers, spreadsheets, etc.

This is good as it'll be a bit more varied than what I'm doing right now, possibly pay a bit more, and be a nice break from only doing design work.

So really, things are looking up!
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