Contact Information: Want to thread or plot? Want to talk to me about AT stuff? Hell, want to talk to me in general? You can find me on AIM, MSN, and Y!M, most often on AIM.
AIM: istheovenon
MSN: didifeedthefish [at] l ive [dot] c om
Y!M: cogitoergoabdo
If you don't like to chat, you can e-mail me at the above live address, but it would be better to get me on my dedicated RP e-mail: cogitoergoabdo [at] ya hoo [dot] c om. Put something in the subject line about Absolute Threshold, please! It will help me respond faster. You can also send me a PM on
omgdiybbq or on my RP/fandom lj account,
You can also leave me a message on this post, I guess.
Crit/HMD: Everybody can use a helping hand from time to time, right? If you have something to say about my characterization, positive or negative, go right ahead. In the interest of facilitating dialog, anonymous commenting is allowed, IP logging is off, and all comments are screened. I've had bad experiences with this kind of thing in the past, but this is a fresh start and a new game, so I'm going to give it a try again.