strange thought i knew you well

Jun 03, 2004 19:24

I love reading old notes.
Write me a note, make me happy hehe.

And secondly I was nominated for "who’s who among high school students"
I’ve been recommended for 1 of the highest academic honors awarded to less than 5% of American high school students. And I’ll qualify to apply for 1 of 127 scholarships totaling over $202,000. My brother was in this too, and you also get a book with all of the people nominated in it. wow that’s really strange that I was nominated for this, I’m not even that smart. I mean I do well and all but….this is strange. Pretty cool though, huh? I wonder who nominated me. *shrugs*
well I'm gonna go upstairs sit on my ass, eat pizza, and watch jimmy neutron with thomas.

[EDiT: 9 01 in the PM] laura! you're my lj stalker friend!
omgdisaster's LJ stalker is rockstar__land!rockstar__land is stalking you because they saw your picture and fell in love.. They are also eating your food when you aren't looking!

LJ Stalker Finder
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