Dec 13, 2006 22:03
theres lots of repeats
2 0 0 6
[ P E O P L E ]
best friends: changed around, probably mostly tara and sandy
lost any friends: yes
[ P L A C E S ]
went out of the country: No.
moved: no
new school: no
how many times on an airplane: none
[ Y O U ]
have you changed? yes
new look: no more glasses
most depressed time this year: now
[L O V E ]
did you fall in love: puppy love
did you break someones heart: no
who was your summer love: kind of end of summer love.... dougster.
[ S E A S O N S ]
favorite season: spring
least favorite season: winter
good birthday: yes, license :)
any snow this year: i think so, not much though
highest temperature: im sure it went over 100
[ F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S ]
snuck out: dont need ot, parents dont care
kept your resolution: nope
got arrested: Nope
drank alcohol: never
kissed a girl: no
had a crush: yes
lost a family member: no
got bad grades: yes, precalc.
got a myspace: already had one
kept a secret: yes
told a secret: yes
done something you totally regret: yes
changed your view on things: yes
In 2006 I...
[ ]broken a promise
[x]made a new best friend
[/]fallen in love
[ ]fallen out of love
[x]went behind your parents back
[x]dissapointed someone close
[x]hid a secret
[x]pretended to be happy
[ ]got arrested
[ ]kissed in the rain
[ ]slept under the stars
[x]found someone you like
[ ]kept your new years resolution
[x]forgotten your new years resolution
[x]met someone who changed my life
[ ]met one of your idols
[x]changed your outlook on life
[x]sat home all day doing nothing
[x]pretended to be sick
[ ]left the country
[ ]almost died
[x]given up something important to you
[ ]lost something expensive
[x]learned something new about yourself
[x]tried something you normally wouldnt try and liked it
[x]made a change in your life
[x]found out who your true friends were
[x]met great people
[ ]snuck out of the house
[x]stayed up til sunrise
[x]pigged out over the summer
[idk a few]celebrity count?
[x]cried over the silliest thing
[x]partied more than 5 times
[ ]was never home on weekends
[x] got into a car accident
[x]had friends who were drifting away from me
[ ]had someone close to me die
[x] had a high cell phone bill
[x] wasted most of my money on food
[ ] had a fist fight
[x]went to the beach
[x]saw a celebrity
[x]gotten sick
[ ]liked more than 5 people at the same time
[x]became closer to a lot of my friends
In 2006, did you...
fall in love with someone that was just a friend? No
fall in love at all? eh
lose any friends? yes
make any new friends? yeah, and reunited with a few
make any new enemies? Not really
develop any new hobbies? Yeah
get older? Yes..
do anything you regret? yes
go to any parties? yes
accomplish anything? yes
make much money? i volunteer too mcuh.
attend a wedding? yes
attend a funeral? no
get any new family members? yes :)
move away? No
gain any new perspectives? yes
get into a verbal fight? yes.
get into a physical fight? no
attend any sporting events? No
get arrested? No
wreck your car? damn deer.
get a new car? No
make any big purchases? No
get kicked out of a store, restaurant or any other kind of business? never
get fired from a job? No
get offered a job? yes
get a raise at a job? no
learn anything? Yeah
develop any new health problems? no
change as a person? yepppp
get any new piercings? No
get any new tattoos? No
attend a concert? only one =/ lost my fire for shows..
crowd surf? No
travel out of state? yep
read any books? Yes
travel out of the country? no
spend much money? like, on food.
download any music? yes
try out any new looks? no glassses
sign up for a myspace? already had one
sign up for a facebook? yes
eat a food that you had never eaten before? Yes
go golfing? no
go bowling? went to the alley, didnt make the bowling part.
go to many parties? a few, not really a party person
start to resent something or someone that you used to like? no
In 2006, how many....
different places did you work? 2
times did you go out drinking? 0
times did you smoke marijuana? 0
drugs did you take? 0
times did you have health problems? 0
times did you go to the movies? a few
concerts did you attend? 1
times did you get your ass kicked? 0
crushes did you have? 3
times did you attend church? 0
In 2006, what was?
your favorite day of the year? oh gosh...last day of school, first day of school, when i got my presidency, got my license
your favorite band? none particular
your least favorite day of the year? days in north plainfield
your favorite song of the year? i will follow you into the dark
the most expensive thing you stole? nothing
the biggest event you attended? probably my PIP shows
something that didn't change at all this year? my frienship with tara.
your favorite holiday? christmas
Misc. questions about 2006 A.D.
were you in a hospital this year? no
were you in an ambulance this year? no
did you make any big confessions in 06? yes
embarrassed about anything you did this year? kinda
what's the best thing to happen to you this year? my amazing theatre internships
did you meet anyone that you could see yourself marrying? no answer.
did you vote this year? no
did you bring sexy back this year? you're silly
was 2006 a great year, an average year or a bad year? it had its ups and downs.