
Jun 24, 2007 20:39

Hey guys, welcome to omg_adultswim! Come on in, grab yourself a seat, make yourself comfortable. Ok, so in case you couldn't tell, this is a roleplay based on the shows on Adult Swim or The Detour. The basic premise is that characters from these shows get livejournals and... somehow meet the characters from other shows through this crazy pan-dimensional lj community? That sounds about right. What, no one said this had to make sense.

Anyway, they post in their journals, comment in each other's, shenanigans and hilarity ensue! Huzzah! Now, this is a pretty laid back roleplay with very little structure (if you couldn't tell), but even still, there are a few rules, just to ensure that everyone has fun. Here they are.

The Rules

1. YOU MUST BE 17 TO JOIN THIS RPG. IF WE FIND OUT YOU ARE UNDER AGE, YOU WILL BE BOOTED OUT. All players in this RP are 17 and over. If we find out that you are under seventeen your journal will be removed from the member list and members will be asked to remove you from their friends list. This RP contains adult themes and adult situations.

2. You may play any character from any Adult Swim or the Detour show, provided that they are not already being played by someone else. Check the taken character list to be sure. Yes, this includes character from the animes as well as the comedies. There is no limit to the number of characters you play, but:
  • You can only have three from any one series.
  • Original characters may only be used to further plot, and can not have personal journals or be an active part of the community.
  • You can't have two character's romantically/sexually involved with each other. Just go write fic if you want to do that.
  • You have to have been playing a character for at least a month before you can apply for more.
Though if you can't keep up with your character and actively participate with them, they will be removed from the character list. These are really just stating what should be no-nonsense rules to keep people from monopolizing shows or dropping characters.

3. To sign up, head on over to the application post and fill out an application. This is our way to get to know you and check your information to the best of our ability. If you seem to have the right information for the most part, we will approve you. Then you join your journal to omg_adultswim, omgas_ooc, omgas_text, and omgas_zaaz, then go to the Quick Friending Console and friend everyone. If you have left before and return and the character you had is still available, you can reprise the role.

4. Please, please, please try to stay at least mostly in character. This isn’t a serious role play by any stretch of the imagination, but the reason these character are fun is because of the way they are, and we don’t want to change that, now do we? So please, keep it at least mostly in character. It is fine to place your characters in out of character situations as long as you still play them in character.

5. Don't be a dick, be a dude! Sure the character you play may be a dick, and that's all fine and dandy, but if you show signs of real-life dickness, we'll have words, and if, after these words, you continue in your dick-itude, we'll kick you off. Similarly, inter-role play drama is fun, but let’s not let it extend outside the role play world. We’d rather not waste good playing time mediating fights and soothing bruised egos. What are we, emo kids? No! So save the drama for your llama. Let’s play nice, kiddies.

This includes passive-aggressive behavior like anonymously bashing in a public forum or being OOCly insulting IC to another character in game. If you have problems with someone, there are two mods and two bouncers if you don't want to talk with the person yourself. If we catch you doing this, you will be asked to leave the game because we don't need that sort of drama lingering between players.

6. We're open to all sorts of pairings. If you are against het, gen, slash, or fem-slash, then please don't join. Don't hold the sexual portrayal of a character against the player unless it is completely so OOCly that it's beyond the realm of belief.

However, being okay with your character being presented as gay or bisexual is one thing; shotacon, lolicon, and pedophilia are another and are not to be mentioned in-journal or public chat unless it is canon to do so. This is for everyone's benefit to keep drama to a minimum, because a number of the players don't approve of it. The same with incest. You can do it, but unless it's canon don't mention it in-journal. I repeat, incest and pedophilia are not to be mentioned in-journal or public chat.

7. It’s a good bet that, judging by the shows these character are coming from, there is going to be a good deal of swearing, violence, and sex. If that sort of stuff makes you uncomfortable, this is probably not the roleplay for you. Hell, Adult Swim is probably not for you. What are you doing up? It’s past your bed time.

8. Try to stay at least reasonably active. We ask that you do some commenting at least once a week. At the end of the third week of every month, we do an activity check. If you don't respond to the activity check by the end of the month, your character is removed and YOU LOSE. If you’re going to not be able to post for two weeks or more for whatever reason, or if you think you're going to be slow for a little while but still do want to be part of this RP, drop me a line and let me know so we don’t remove you. We're very open about these things.

9. Please don’t role-play any character but your own. If you want to do something that will have a big effect on someone else’s character, IM or e-mail them and ask first. Doing otherwise is just rude and called god-moding. Unless you and the other player have talked over what is going to happen, don't force things just because you want them to happen. The difference between throwing a light punch and knocking someone's head off. -He aims in so and so direction- vs -he punches so and so right in the nose-

This also goes for peer pressure. Do not force other players into your story-lines without talking to them first. Give them a chance to decide if they want to be a part of something.

Also while it's alright to refer to existing characters that aren't taken in an "in character" manner, please don't kill or permanently injure them before they can be taken by another player.

10. Please be aware that a lot of the participants of this RP have full time jobs or are college students, and go through short periods of time where they can't post entries. We show leniency for them, but you have to do the same. Please don't spam the community. This means not posting one-liner entries that you have no intention of expanding on in comments, posting entries and never responding to the comments you recieve, or posting more than once or twice a week with a single character. You also can't only interact with characters from the same canon or never comment on any other entries than your own. If we notice you doing this, you will be asked to stop. If you don't stop when you're asked, you will be removed from the RP.

Ok, I think that's about it. Let me know if you think I missed anything. So, any questions? Comments? Rotten fruit throwing?


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