I've got a gun in my hand, but the gun won't cock.

Nov 30, 2005 07:29

My fingers on the trigger but the trigger seems locked. I can't stop staring at the tick tock clock. And even if I could, I would never give up. With a vest on my chest, and a bullet in my lung. I can't belive i'm dying with my song unsung. And if and when I die, won't you bury me alone cause i'll never get to heaven if i'm singing this song.

I hate being sick.
I have like, black eyes.
Is that normal?
To like, just wake up and have 2 black eyes?
I'm so confused.
My side hurts like crazy.
..it's not even my side.
If you were here, i'd show you.

I'm in 1st hour.
I am tired out of my mind.
The only thing keeping me in school right now,
is Tyler ♥

Even if i'm sick,
he always can make me smile.
Awe, how cute.

Kruce danced to rap music last night at work.
Mmm.. Fun stuff.
I love his random songs he comes up with.
They make me laugh.

But anyways,
YOU! You know I don't like you.
I know you don't like me.
You know no one else likes you.
You have no TRUE friends.
..which makes me laugh.
I love how you try putting yourself before others.
..that makes me laugh as well.

Well, i'm off.
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