Dec 16, 2009 02:45
Yes, I'm taking time away from studying to write this. I'm in a procrastination phase. I need to listen to the glee soundtrack to push through this all-nighter. I'm just hoping that the information seeps into my brain at this point. I wish I was the Doctor. He can read books in seconds. That's probably why he's the smartest man in the universe.
Anyway, I'm really excited to be done with this semester. I had my doubts, but I'm still hanging in there. I'm pretty convinced that I'm brilliant at this point. I somehow manage to pull out high-quality work out of nowhere in a time crunch. Well, I assume its high-quality, because in my history class, where the professor grades the papers super critically I get A's on papers that I wrote last minute. I know I'm not a genius; I just like to toot my own horn. TOOT TOOT!!!!
Fuck yeah, there is a new episode of Savage Love. I love Dan Savage. I think being a sex advice columnist and/or sex therapist would be fun, but I'd rather deal with addiction or the crazies. I still think brains are awesome. Something about internal organs weird me out, but for some reason the brain is different. Maybe its the fact that there aren't any pain or touch receptors in the brain, not like it reduces any pressure when surgery is involved. It's just so cool and complex. AHHHH!!! I'm Sylar! No, seriously, its part of the reason that I'm hesitant about the whole brain surgeon occupation option.. I'm afraid I'll resemble Sylar. No one should have that much power! I really wish Heroes was real. I want the nerdiest power. I would want Charlie's power of being able to instantly memorize and remember information mixed with the muscle memory power of the black chick on that show (Micah's cousin or whatever). It would be awesome. I think time traveling would be pretty cool too, but that's what the Doctor is for. He'll come get me, and I'll have a memory just like his, and we'll fall in love and live happily ever after. Yeah right. It would be cool though.
Okay that whole paragraph, just shows how much I don't want to study for these damn tests. Sleep deprivation does seem to work to my benefit though. As hard as that is to believe, the auto-pilotness that happens when I stay up all night to cram and get shit done actually makes the whole testing process easier. I barely stress at all in robot mode and I just kind of don't think about it; correct information gets on the page and time just flies by. At least, this is what I'm banking on for my tests at 8am today. I'm going to stay up until then. I'm probably going to write an extra credit research paper for that class instead of getting sleep, just to ensure that I'll get an A. I really want an A. Fuck, I sound like a crazy person. My chest hurts.
I should get back to work. Oh joy!