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Your life is not complete until you've heard Sacha yell "hey fuck you, bitch". Seriously.
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Full HD video of the Columbus Crew meeting President Obama. This doesn't really fall under the lolworthy category but you can see Robbie giggling and whispering to someone off-screen in the background and Ale and Danny squinting in the sun (while Danny looks particularly dashing with the beard/suit combo). Also idk why no one laughed at the joke about bringing snacks, I did.
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Um...I'm not sure exactly what this is, I could only get through about 30 seconds of it. It's supposedly (anyone have confirmation?) Nate Jaqua and Fredy Montero rapping about the Sounders. IDEK.
So DeRo can't make it to the ASG because TFC has a CONCACAF Champions League game the same day.
He was replaced by none other than everyone's (least) favorite, Cuahoweverthefuckyouspelliticouldcarelessmoc Blanco. Let me tell you how excited I was. Or not.
Also, a shameless plug- I started up a ~srs bzns~ soccer blog today so that I could ~make my voice heard~ outside of the world of LJ. It's called
From Twelve Yards. It's not much (yet, mwahahaha) but I ♥ it. To make this not all about me, anyone else have a ~srs bzns~ soccer blog of their own?
Oh, and The Beckham Experiment was released today. Anyone got theirs already? Mine's on its way from, along with Bloody Confused.