So, we decided to do a THING! Where we give and get fannish gifts and keep everyone full of good cheer! But we didn't want to do a ficathon, because, of course, not everybody writes. Plus, we need more than just fic in this fandom. So!
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Comments 27
2. Icons of JERRY. I would like some.
3. Icons of Andy and Tracy being dorky or happy.
4. Fanmix: This job is stealing our souls. But we couldn't do anything else.
5. Fanmix: Sam/Andy- Nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be this hard.
6. Fanmix: Sam/Andy- Happy love songs.
7. Fic: Gail/Luke. Undercover in Vegas.
8. Fic: Sam/Andy. First official date.
9. Fic: Jerry/Tracy and Sam/Andy. Medieval Times.
10. Icons of SAM. Just being all SAM-ISH.
Dude, I'm trying to fic as much as I can, but I do not even KNOW. I might be sending you things and being all "ADD SOMETHING TO THIS SO IT IS FINISHED".
If you need me, however, I will be VERY HAPPY TO HELP!
2. Icons of Traci and Jerry. Because they are ADORABLE.
3. This fandom doesn't seem to do text in icons, BUT: I would like some Sam and Oliver hanging out, with one of their stellar quotes thrown in there. (I want a "brother" icon, is more or less what I'm saying here.)
4. It's, um, possible I want some Gail/Jo icons. I may still ship them a bit.
5. FIC: Traci/Jerry. Literally anything, I don't think I've seen any fic of them yet.
6. FIC: Noelle/Frank. (Apparently I just want all the rarely-written pairings?)
7. FIC: Ensemble (slash, any pairing you want), holiday themed police exploits. Hell, I would kill for an "office" Christmas party.
8. FIC: Sam/Andy, hanging out at said "office" Christmas party.
9. FANVID: the Rookies, being awesome.
10. FANVID: Sam and Andy, being happy.
Thanks for signing up, brother! Happy gift-making. Hopefully you and your partner in crime will gift us with some fic! ;)
1. Icons of Traci and Jerry (together or separate)
2. Icons of Sam and Oliver
3. Fanmix: Sam/Andy
4. Fanmix:general rookie awesomeness
5. Fic: I want something AU(Sam/Andy)
6. Fic: Traci/Jerry fic
7. Fic: Jerry/Traci and Sam/Andy dinner party?
8. Picspam: Oliver
9. Fanvid: about anything
10.Fic: about Gail
2. fic: ladies' night at the Penny
3. fic: Traci/Jerry, the one where they first hook up
4. fic: Andy gen, the one where we find out about her Lost Years
5. fic: Sam/Andy, the one from right at the beginning where she's really and truly annoying the shit out of him
6. fic: Sam/Andy, basically anything that is smutty
7. vid: Sam/Andy, something upbeat and goofy and like, set to a horrifying Taylor Swift song or something
8. vid: awesome ladies are awesome
9. fanmix: Sam/Andy, songs for makin' out in the supply closet
10. fanmix: all the rookies, just keep swimming
Thanks for signing up, bud!
My list:
1. Fic, Sam/Andy: "You have three weeks, right? So lets make them count. I'm coming over." (Alternative timeline where they DO have 3 weeks before Sam goes undercover.)
2. Fic, Sam/Andy: "What, you wanna come with me?" (Alternative timeline where Andy wants to come with him on the undercover thing and does so.)
3. Fic, Sam/Andy: Basically the plot of next week's Castle, ie: they wake up handcuffed together in a dark room. Do with them what you will after that.
4. Funny icons - people making faces, silly texts, that sort of thing.
5-10. ANIMATED GIFS! All the gifs, basically, any sort of emotion or gesture or face.
Might add stuff, if I think of them, if that's allowed.
Meanwhile, what are fic covers?
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