Jan 21, 2011 23:13
Australia Day is such a major fucking source of contention in this house.
Two years ago, my brother and I had this joint party. I invited like half a dozen people, he invited heaps. I was dating this guy who was being a dick and couldn't decide if he was going to show or not. I made the mistake of inviting this guy I knew who'd had a major crush on me and when I finally noticed he was kind of adorable, he turned around and said he'd found a girlfriend. Whatever bitch, wounded pride for about a week. Move on.
So I invited him and his new girlfriend over.
I did get drunk. Not fall-down, messy, pass-out drunk, but drunk. My brother got wasted and went to bed at about 4pm, leaving me to clean up.
While we were all mucking around and people were getting pushed into the pool, I grabbed The Ex Crush's arm. He was sitting in a solid Jarrah chair that weighed a fair bit, had at least a head of height on me and was not slightly built. There was no way I could uproot him AND the chair and throw him into the pool. I grabbed his arm and he flicked me off by basically backhanding me, knocking me over and grazing me from ankle to knee.
I just stood up and ran inside where I cried like crazy until my three best friends came to find me. My friend Ryan threw The Ex Crush out, and we cleared up all the blood and crap and the party didn't go back to where it used to be.
I never spoke to the guy again except to tell him that we were not cool and not to contact me ever again.
Now comes the amazing part.
My family, to this day, believe that I have some of the blame. They cite bullshit sources like "Your brother said you were drunk" (like it's okay to hit me in my own house if I'm drunk u guiz), "Your brother's friends say things about that day too!" (ummm which friends and what are they saying. I did nothing I was ashamed of that day except a slightly pissed off phone conversation with the boy I was dating). They claim they don't know his side of the story, so how can they judge? They never saw what happened, so how can they just accept my story?
Um how about this. A guy came into your house, a guy that wanted to date your daughter less than a month prior to this party! and he backhanded her, knocked her down, and was asked to leave by her friends. Do you need more context than that? It's not like I get into fights with anyone when I drink, it's not like every second dude is ~a significant male relationship~ to me. This guy came into your home and assaulted your daughter. And you think you could use his side of the story and that the "testimony" of random party-goers whose names you can't even remember are more important.
And yep, I just re-hashed this fight with my mother again tonight. Again. Almost two years later.