Dear Perth drivers,

May 01, 2010 13:50

Dear Perth drivers,

Just so you know, indicators are not a tricky beast that is far too complicated to comprehend. Here are some indicator basics to bear in mind on your next automobile jaunt:

1. They're not optional. You're meant to use them every time you deviate from a straight, road-following line. That means if you intent to turn, change lanes, pull over etc. you must use them as the average driver is not a mind-reader. They come standard on most cars, have a look out for them!

2. They're meant to be used prior to the manoeuvre. Prior, I just can't stress this enough. You do not apply them mid-way through the manoeuvre, or after the fact but before. When you know you're going to turn, you indicate before you slow down, okay? Because that's warning me and my other driver friends that you are going to change your tack so we will not hit you. Indicating as you manoeuvre or after the fact is just stupid.

3. When I indicate, that is not a false alarm. I intend to slow down and turn, or to change lanes. It's not a sign of confusion as to what I'm going to do next, it's a warning. So don't be shocked and irritated when I in fact slow down and turn, or change lanes. Don't take it personally either, I'm not doing it to piss you off or insult your mother, I'm doing it because this is how I get where I need to go.

And don't get me started on roundabouts.

Thank you in advance,

1DID 223


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