Unrelated to weight.

Mar 09, 2010 23:40

Why do people feel the need to have their twitter interact with every other form of social networking they can get their mitts on? I swear to God, it is one of my internet pet peeves. I don't want to read the same fucking mundane shit on Twitter, Facebook, Livejournal and this Gmail Buzz shit.

You are not that interesting, nor is what you say. Trust me.

Good lord, I loathe twitter, it makes me picture the twitterer/twit sitting in a hobo-like setting ranting and babbling to themselves and occasionally screaming disjointed and unsolicitated comments at passers-by: "@SIR THE PIGEONS ARE COMING 4 U." and "@LADY HAVE YOU SEEN MY CATS????" and "@BRITNEYSPEARS CAN I HAVE A LOCK OF YOUR HAIR" etc etc.


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