
Feb 15, 2010 23:17

These holidays I've been slack. Not necessarily by choice, but I've been seriously slack. The day exams started, I hurt my toe -- think infections, pus, anti-biotics, podiatrists, both feet. It's now entering round 3 and month 4 and as I previously mentioned, hello round 3. Basically this has meant that I've spent four months in thongs. Thongs. Have you ever seen me wear thongs? The answer is no. I hate thongs. I like nice shoes. I only recently realised how tall my friends actually are in relation to me; my best friend and her fiancé are taller than me! I never knew. But now I know, I'd like to get back to wearing nice shoes.

Secondly, since I've only had one job this break and it's been at the gym, I've been wearing sweat pants and daggy T-shirts pretty much any time I've got dressed to see people. Again, I like nice clothes and call me crazy but I would also prefer to wear sneakers with my track pants so I can actually do a workout, you know? I get to wear nice clothes if I actually do things with my friends, but it's like a novel concept or something.

So I've had a daggy three months off uni. I feel very unlike me.

Last week though, I did decide I can't crawl back to uni in thongs and trackies etc. and did my best to rectify. Beautician to fix my damned eyebrows, tint my lashes, leg wax. Made a hair appointment (I reeeeally want to do a chop but I did resolve to try not to cut my hair for a year) for this weekend. And lastly, on Saturday I went out with my bffs, wearing a new dress and new matchy underwear (even better -- a newly purchased version of a bra I love, woo!) and...slightly better than average thongs. I can't fix everything. BUT I felt almost back to normal, let me come back to society now plz? I'll have good hair soon too?

stories from real life!

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