Mar 11, 2009 22:30
Apparently I really am the only person who thinks Fix You is depressing. Talking to a friend today, she made me explain it and I can completely see my logic. My logic is flawless! But I can't successfully convince someone that the song is the most depressing thing I can think of.
I don't know if she saw my logic the way I saw it because we got sidetracked on my examples of overwhelming desire to fix people. I believe it went along the lines of
"Stop feeling sorry for [person], Hannah."
"I'm not sorry for them in particular, it's the fix you thing! I do it to a lot of people!"
"You feel sorry for everyone."
"I know."
skdafjlaksjdf since when do I feel sorry for everyone, I suck at life. How is this song happy, I seriously cannot see how it comes close. Except the ~uplifting~ guitar bit towards the end where Chris Martin runs on stage and swings the lightbulb around and around, that's not so bad.
I COULD PULL THIS SONG APART PHRASE BY PHRASE AND POINT OUT JUST WHY IT'S THE MOST DEPRESSING THING EVER but my early night is getting away from me and I'm far too lyric spammy lately.
I also love Franz Ferdinand and am slowly bonding with the new album, No You Girls and What She Came For win.
No, you girls never know
Oh no you girls'll never know
No, you girls never know
How you make a boy feel
No, you boys never care
Oh no you boys'll never care
No, you dirty boys never care
How the girl feels
It's on the iPod ad now D: It makes me sad that they cut the choruses.
lyric spam