Mar 05, 2009 22:43
I had the most challenging thing happen to me at uni today, I nearly burst into tears. Instead, I stuck it out. I have to do that for ten more weeks but I think I can, actually. Running away from things is too easy.
I love my best friend. This whole shitty new year can almost be balanced out by this evening after 4:30pm. non-platonic hugs from longstanding crushes help the smallest bit.
EDIT: okay, that was ambiguous. the best friend and longstanding crush are entirely different people that I encountered today. yunno. yah.
You were the one that got away, but he got away twice so lol, whatever bitch.
Time for lyricspam. I have new music, I love CD's sfm. Next year, I'm so going back to logging the CD's I buy.
I got mah rockmoves.
and i don't need you
and guess what?
i'm havin' more fun
and now that we're done, i'm gonna show you tonight!
i'm alright!
i'm just fine!
and you're a tooo-ool.
stories from real life!,
lyric spam