Jul 14, 2005 09:54
I love this RP. No joke. I was following it for a month or so before I actually joined...you know, back when it was active? I finally joined, and then the RP died. That really sucks. I'm sorry, but it does.
OOC!Horo is gone, Emo!Ren committed suicide...
I was out at Horohoro.
I'm sorry; I know I really wasn't in the comm that long, but...I just don't see the point, since the place is totally dead. Besides, I practically lived off of the twisted relationship between OOCHoro and EmoRen... ;;
So I'm leaving, too. I hope I'll run into you guys around in other RPs or something, though, and I want to stay in touch (even though most of you probably don't even know who I am... ^^; ). At least let me say, this was a fun RP to just read, even though I didn't get a chance to play it much.
If anybody still wants to RP Shaman King, I'm the moderator of said roleplay. Swing by my journal. -shot for ruining the moment-
That said, see you around~