Just a reminder that the birthday RP is on Thurseday. I think we'll start when we have at least six RPers in the chatroom (including OOC!Yoh, IC!Yoh, and IC!Hao, folks).
I'm going to ask everyone for their contact info again. This makes it easier for the mods of the community to contact anyone if needed.
Personal LJ:
moonlit_curseAIM: Dewprism117, Yoh Luvs Oranges, SpirituaReborn. I'll mostly be using the SpirituaReborn S/N, though.
MSN: yoh_luvs_oranges@hotmail.com or taciturn_soul@hotmail.com; I'll mostly be using the yoh_luvs_oranges@hotmail.com one, though. o_o
Yahoo: Dewprism117
If needed to e-mail...: Do it at garnetchan@gmail.com, please. This is address for personal-related things. >>;
Note to OCO!Hao: If you want to participate in this, it's no trouble to RP in the community, I think. :] It's not fair to you if you're not in this.