(no subject)

Jun 21, 2006 21:52

Okay, guys. I've been poking at the f-list for a bit, trying to figure out how to make more of the posts show up. Only problem is, I really think that the f-list won't go back any further, and there's REALLY nothing I know of that I can do about that. It does it on my character's journal, too. It just...stops. However, when I changed the options to allow fifty entries to be displayed on the recent entries page, there was no problem with that. I can see entries from August 2005, right on the main page.

Which brings me to formally propose this question to the community. Only character journals have posting access in the main community. It's always been that way; it just makes things easier for me to keep track of.

Should we abandon our journals, and just post directly to the main community?

I proposed this idea a while back, and some people seemed reluctant to make the change, so I'm putting out for a vote.

-You'll be able to access VERY old posts. The most recent fifty posts (or twenty, or forty, or whatever I decide to make it) will be accessable by eveyone, and no one will have to go hunting around on their f-lists to find posts that Time and LJ have eaten.

- People won't be able to see your customized journal. I'm willing to fiddle around with the main community page so that it doesn't look like ass anymore looks nice, but it obviously won't be to everyone's tastes at the same time. Your journal won't disappear or anything, obviously; you just wouldn't post your new entries there anymore.

I think that the benefit of being able to see the fifty oldest posts (or twenty, or forty, etc) to the community outweighs the inconveniance of not being able to post to your customized journal - especially since most people access other character journals through their own f-lists, or the community f-list. However, I won't make the change without input from you guys first.

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