Jan 24, 2006 16:33
I was reading through some old xanga entries and i really like them. they're way better than any of my lj entries. maybe it was the vibe of xanga. . i could make my xanga muchos prettier.
i am quite distressed by the fact that my global and ITALIAN midterms were fuking IMPOSSIBLE!! I thought it couldn't get any worse than global, and then, italian rolls along. ITALIAN. wtf?!? It's not supposed to be hard! Italians supposed to be the one subject that i'm like "study? for italian? yeah riiight." but i did study! and i STILL think id id miserably. He HAS to curve it. Everybody was like bugging out. Ahh. I can't believe it was so hard!
Yeah so i read today that there's this movie on the assasination of John Lennon with Jared Leto and Lindsay Lohan. Which kind of pisses me off. I'll go see it anyway, but can't they pick better actors? (aka, a better actress?) If they're finally gonig to make a movie about the death of someone amazing like John Lennon, they should at least pick a respectable cast.
Today, i was pondering about how kickass it would be to be born at 11:11. I wasn't. Unfortunetley. Somebody MUST have been born at 11:11. Whoever it is, that person is my new idol.
I neeeed a haircut! i'm getting one on thursday, thankfully.
My friend Christine scratched her cornea and can barely see out of her eyes and the doctor is making her put drops in her eyes every single half hour. For 24 hours. Every half. So she's not allowed to sleep. Like, she can sleep for like 29 minutes, put drops in her eyes go back to sleep for 29 minutes. . . it sucks. and the doctors making her stay home all this week so she's missing all her midterms and regents. sigh. i'm worried about her :(.
Uuum. I already know one of my presents for my birthday lol. . my mom just called and described the cowboy boots she was looking at and if i would like them. lmao. real subtle. i'm reallly excited though cuz i wanted cowboy boots!!!!!! heeee!! ahdsakljdalfdjf. ahh this is going to be the BEST BIRTHDAY EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
3 days!
ps: jenna is hot and i love her.
WOW. i was just reading through uber-old xanga entries from my first xanga and are you ready to take a trip back in time?
---2 years, 8 days ago
--January 16th, 2004.:
"Um yeah ok i reallly wanna wakeboard with Chrissy!!! WAHOOO I REALLY WANNA WAKEBOARDDDD
But ya kno what i wanna do more? I wanna go to disney !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok this ones a short one some shoutouts ChRis cuz i see u tomorrow.. ally leray cuz ur just cool and My Alka Selzer Posse!! Kristen Nd Liz D u guys are the best everRR!!!
-amz xox"
Alka Seltzer Posse? and i typed retardedly.
And now. . .::
Exactly 2 years ago today.
January 24th, 2004::::
"ohh my goodness guys my birthday is in 8 days!!! (otto giorni! ..ocho dias..) WAHOO
the dance was crazzzzy last night it took us like 5 hours to decide if we were gonna go... literally. it was supposd to be a quick thing.. me and kristi were goin wit candace to see if we culd help get her mom to let her go to the movies wit us instead of the dance but she didn't so we wound up hangin out at cands till the beginning of the dance.. then we decidedd to go haha its a relally long story.. abut we did wind up getting sour patch straws out of it!
i took the SATS today.. my brain capacity isnt big enough for that stuff..
ok i think im gonna go i hope i have fun with angela and danny tomorrow! OH FUNNN YAYYY ahhh save me .. at least my chrissy will be ther ..
Wowwwwww. Why was ANYONE friends with me? I didn't spell anything right.
aha. jeeze. my brain capacity really WASNT big enough for the sats when i had to take it for john hopkins. Like. . wow. I was so stupid. Is ocho dias even spanish? I really don't think it is. I think it's like oches dias not ocho. And awww that was me being all excited for my . . 14th birthday! hahaaa. Woww i feel like that was forever ago. I don't remember anything about being 14.
When we're seniors, maybe i'll write a livejournal entry on January 24th 2008 and post this entry and be like "I WAS SO STUPID." As long ago as that entry was is as long as it will be until we're taking midterms as seniors.. And it'll be 8 days till i'm turning 18! weiiird.
mkay bye.