Gwendal was up early today. His thought was to take a bath, then find Nissi and ask if she wanted to ride into town with him. Not for any particular reason, he kept telling himself, other than he liked being with her and spending the day would be nice. Throughout the night, his mind had drifted back to his conversation with Yozak, almost as if it had been on an endless loop. His fear was keeping him from moving forward. Fear of falling in love again, fear of disappointing her in the bedroom, fear of rejection by someone he could care deeply about, fear of not being ready for that commitment even if it did work out. If only there was some way that he could relax and let go of his inhibitions, even for a day. He could be and say what he really wanted to.
He entered the bath to find the maid still finishing her tasks. Many in the castle would have undressed while they waited, but he wasn’t comfortable with that, so he leaned against the wall and watched as she worked. Her last task, scenting the bath, had her searching for a scent bottle. He hoped it wouldn’t be too strong. Strong scents made his nose itch. She finally found one, uncorked it, took a whiff and dumped the contents into the water. On her way out, she gave him a pinch on his behind, but surely he had imagined that.
Undressing, he slipped into the water, the heavy scent permeating the air. It was almost suffocating in its intensity, although it was also quite intoxicating, like sensual smell of sweet cotton candy. He ducked under the water to wet his hair. Relaxing back against the sides of the bath, he gently played with himself due to the tingling sensation that he felt building in his groin. Weird. Of course, this was too public a place to finish himself off. Anybody and his double could walk in. A little laughter escaped his lips. He felt glad Gwendal hadn’t caught him. That would have been very embarrassing. I wonder what it would be like to have sex with myself? He laughed again, dismissing the idea as absurd. He was feeling a little giddy and inordinately horny for some odd reason, almost as if he didn’t care who he took, as long as it was someone or even someones. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. Maybe before he saw Nissi, he should take up Yozak’s suggestion and visit oocGunter. Or maybe both Gunters. And then icGwendal and Yozak. And maybe Yozak’s double could join in too. And Alford. Okay, maybe not Alford. Oh, what the hell, why not Alford? But now Gisela. That would fell like he was cheating on Nissi. PAR- TAY.
So consumed with his thoughts was he that Gwendal rose from the water, not bothering to rinse of the perfumed scent, wrapped a towel around his waist (although why he did it was currently beyond his ability to reason, since he now had plans to spend the day naked) and walked swiftly through the hallway towards his room, stirring a trail of aromatic air as he went. He didn’t know why it was so important, but he wanted to make his roommate prove his boast from yesterday.
(OOC: Sorry for the uber-long post, but Gwendal, the prince of repression, has been unleashed. If your character wants him, he’s free for the taking, just not too graphic, please. I’ll be traveling all day tomorrow and won’t be available until late, although Monday is the safer bet.)