Jun 27, 2005 18:40
hey everyone, well today pretty much sucked..im still really sick and it thunderstormed ALL day long, so even if i felt well enough to ride i couldnt. you know, maybe if i wasnt sick and the weather didnt suck one of these days i could acctually have some fun. maybe? i faught with my mom all day..yeah yeah yeah im worthless, i dont do anything to help her..she has it so bad..and i mean, she does and all having to work two jobs and i respect that. but of course everythings my fault. because of course if she didnt have to support me then she wouldnt have to work two jobs. blahh whatever! just boringggg and i wish it would stop raining, dammit =/ well thats all for now i guess, seeing as theres nothing to write about? bye. =)