Aug 30, 2004 20:44
Let me start off by saying: I have way more shit to say than I have energy to write.
Basically, I had dinner at a nice Thai restaurant with my family and Larry on Saturdy night. We got to the airport on time with no hassle, and we said our goodbyes with everyone crying. It was really sweet.
I landed in NY on Sunday morning, amazed by how fucking hot it was. Seriously guys, I think it's hotter than Hawaii right now. Or maybe it just seems like it because it's so humid. I literally took 4 showers on the first day.
My room is pretty nice, and praise the lord that I'm not in a converted triple. My roomie Ellenoira and I made a cute little set up with our beds posted up really hight, my desk against the window, my dresser under my bed, and the TV on her dresser. (Which makes no sense in writing, but it's like w0ah in person.) I'll get pics up asap.
I got my schedule, and I have to say, it seemed iffy at first, but now it's like hella cool. Tuesdays and Fridays, I have 4 classes back to back from 10am to 345... bleh. BUT! Mondays and Thursdays, I only have one class, which is 830-10. I have Wednesdays off, so Basically it's like I only have school 2 days a week.
Anyway, it's been kind of lonely because I havn't been able to talk to anyone from home. (or Chiri<3) The internet connection isn't up in our dorms yet, so no AIM, and I can't call anyone because my phone died, and I left the charger at home. I know I could just buy a new charger, but I should just put that money towards a new phone plan cuz I was gonna get one anyway.
Tomorrow, I have a few more orientations to go to (I think) but what I really neeed to do is:
1.) Open a bank account. Seriously, it's scary to carry this much cash around.
2.) Get a cell phone set up. I'm about to go insane, and that's just not practical.
3.) Buy a fan. and hangars.
Call you all as soon as I can!
Much love, Miki!